
On my way home from work today, in that span of 1 hour, I saw :

In a crowded train, a father carrying a pink barbie doll bag on his back, with his girl sitting somewhere in the cabin.

At the traffic junction, a father on a bicycle, with his son at the back in the child seat.  It was raining heavily, and the son was sitting quietly in his seat, and seemed not bothered by the rain drops hitting on his face.

On the pavement, a father carrying his girl in his arms with 1 hand and the other hand holding an umbrella over their heads.

Very common sights, issn’t? But it meant alot to me.

To the father who carried that pink bag, you are awesome.  You carried that pinky stuff on your back boldly because it looks heavy on your daughter’s shoulder.

To the father on the bicycle, you are the man.  You taught your son how to be a man and is a total opposite from worrying mothers who over-protect the kids and deprive them from the simple joy of playing in the rain.

To the father with the umbrella, you are wonderful. Balancing an active child, a small schoolbag and an umbrella sounds like the job of a clown but you did it pretty well, and you didn’t look like a clown at all. 

Apart from these, I saw another sight.  A woman, whom could be the mother or the grandmother (or nanny?!!), exclaimed this to her son / grandson :


[it means : It always rain when I bring you out for dinner. It’s so troublesome! You don’t eat dinner (next time it rains)!] 

I was in shock. Rain also the poor kid’s fault meh?!! 🙁

Silly me

I hurt my neck when I sneezed this morning…how silly can that be?

I was chatting with Jimmy on MSN and suddenly I felt this sneeze that was coming..I wanted to pinch my nose but I was typing a message for Jimmy, and I think because of the confusion sent by the brain, my hands did not know which to do and I ended up trying to control my sneeze…and that’s the most wrong thing to do..

Ended up with a badly strained neck, which the pain extended to the upper spine area, down to my right shoulder and numbness on my right hand. When I walked to the clinic from my office, I nearly wanted to break down and cry, it was so pain can?!

The doctor gave a funny smile when I told her about the sneeze & pain and when she pressed her hands on my neck, she said “wow, it’s quite bad!”

I was given 2 days MC, and the medication is super drowsy… I can sleep like a pig even under very noisy construction work 😮

Faster recover…it’s a pain in the neck!


Happy Birthday to ME! 😀

Took leave from work because work should be the last thing in my mind today. Hmm…yah, I agree that birthdays are no big deal but I chose not to be bothered with things that doesn’t make me feel good and could potentially spoil my day.

So being that it’s my day, I went for a relaxing facial and massage in the morning. Talking about facials, I used to go once a month before I have Dawn.  But now, If I want to go for a facial, I will need to apply leave from work! So I ended up going for facial like once every 2-3 months.  Eww! No wonder the glow on my face is slowly diminishing. Plus the fact that my age is adding up every year. 🙁

Dear bought me to this chinese restaruant at Tiong Bahru and I totally forgot what’s the name of the eating place. But the butter crab is superb! Though there’s no gravy (which is a pity because gravy goes nice with man tou!), but I have no complains.  And I don’t mind going back to this restaurant again, just to have the butter crab .  Heh.

butter crab1 butter crab2

Besides the crab, we ordered the Oat Prawns  and the champagne pork rib.  And these are enough to fill us without taking any rice. 😀

Oat prawn

I had a very peaceful & enjoyable dinner, because there’s seldom opportunities to enjoy a feast without having to feed Dawn, and doing disciplinary work on Dawn’s table manners. And looking at the mountain of shells infront of my plate, I know I had a satisfied meal. Thanks Dear!


It’s a bug’s life


There are 3 person in a department.

Donald makes sure that the logistic needs of the department is met.  His job includes making sure that his colleagues’ desks are cleaned before they reach, he clears the rubbish when the bin is overloaded and whenever his colleagues need some copying to be done, he is there to do it.

Minnie serves the clients, both the internal and external ones.  She will ensure that her clients needs are met.  Due to the nature of the work which deals with alot of logistics, she will usually has to work with Donald on the logistics aspect. She will also need to seek advices and directions from Tom.

Tom is the head of the department.  He ensures that the department work efficiently and plans the operations of the department.  He has to resolve the things which his subordinates are unable to solve. Donald and Minnie report to him.Everyone has their role right? Specific hor? Well, not quite.What happens when one of them is not around or not doing their job?

If Donald is on leave, Minnie has to do his job.  Because the bins can only contain so much and it can’t be left overloaded, she has to clear it. Because the copying has to be given out and can’t wait for Donald to come back, Minnie has to do it. So who is doing Minnie’s job when she is doing Donald’s job? No one.

If Tom is on leave, who has to ensure that the department still function? Minnie.  Because she is the next senior in line.  Department efficiency is everyday affair, so Minnie has to jump in to help if need be. So who is doing Minnie’s job when she is helping out Tom’s work? No one.

If Minnie is on leave, what will happen?






Nothing will happen.  Her work will only just stack up..because Donald is too junior to understand Minnie’s work, and Tom is too busy with the daily efficiency.

Hmm..what if both Donald and Minnie is not around?  Do you think Tom will help to cover both their job?






他伤了你,有一天他也会被他深爱的人所伤。那种疼痛,他会感觉比你的多出一倍。 毕竟地球是圆的。





P/S : words between the lines, meaning between the words.  A post which only I will understand the full meaning of it.  {Evil smile}

Sticky sticky

Dawn is getting more and more sticky to both Dear and me…and more to Dear because he is her favourite playmate. Her eyes will lit up whenever Dear appeared at the door.

Watch this and you might find it amusing, which I did!

P/S : in case you could not understand what’s going on, Dear wanted to go out to the corridor to have a puff and Dawn was protesting with her signature manja and tears. Haha!

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Sweet Tooth

I am talking about myself, not Dawn.

Love those pretty cakes, delicious desserts and tasty sweets…I just can’t resist them. No wonder the weighing machine had been protesting at me.. 🙁


Tiramisu from Nectarie.  This is what I call a true tiramisu..the alcohol taste ran down my throat..shiok! 


Parfait of dark & white….Wonderful! Slurp!

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