My Salad Lunch

Had salad for lunch for the past 2 days (because vegetables have a short life span and they come in a packets instead of one day serving! One day serving is damn ex!)

First day is just greens plus some cherry tomatoes.  I added in Tuna and raisins on the 2nd day.

Strange to say, having salad kept me awake for the afternoon instead of feeling sleeping infront of the PC over a usual lunch of noodles or rice.

Might decide to have Salad for 3 days in a week, but let’s see how long my determination will stay (which usually don’t when it comes to food). :p

Do you create your own salad too? Share how else you make your salad more interesting and tasty!




Looked through my posts and realised that I had not written much about food for a few months already.  Not that I had stopped eating (how can that be?!), but I was alittle tired to write about food.  Why, you might ask.  My folders in my lappy are full of food photos and somehow it had made me felt drained when the thought of having to blog all of them.  Strange me.

We were out to ION Orchard during the first few weekends where it was first opened. Really crowded at the Basements but it was quite empty when it comes to ground floor and above. And we found ourselves in Canton-i for dinner, which is at the corner of the 3rd floor in the shopping mall.


We ordered a couple of dishes, which includes their signature roast pork and cha sao. Both taste very good!

Look at the meat! Look good enough issn’t?



The shrimp dumplings are generous with shrimps but I do feel that the soup taste like it contains alot of MSG.



We had also ordered the beansprout but it was a disappointment to us. Nothing worth talking about.

But the biggest disappointment was the fried white bait.  I had wanted so much to eat the tasty white bait that I had eaten in another restaurant but this was a disappointment to us. Don’t quite understand why chefs do not know the basic of changing frying oil regularly or the food will turn out to be super er xin.  -.-


We also ordered the mince pork with steam egg, and I must say that it’s very good! Dawn loves this and kept asking for more!


And here is happy Dawn..waiting for food and saying that she has her bib ready!




2 Orchard Turn

#03-14 ION Orchard

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Bubble Bubbles~

Was browsing a toy shop near Dear’s place while Dawn was sleeping soundly in her pram and this caught my eyes ..

Bubble - HK

A Bubble gun!  I had wanted to buy a bubble gun for Dawn because she had illustrated that the neighbour jie jie was playing with bubbles the other day.  I know that we have to buy a bubble gun instead of those that need to use mouth to blow incase the soap water gets into her mouth.  And look! A Hello Kitty bubble gun! Dawn’s favourite! Guess how much is it? I must say that it’s a good buy!

And Dawn gets real excited with the bubble gun.  After demonstrating on how to play, she gets into her action!

First, dip the gun into the apple container…


Then press the button on the gun! Tada! Bubbles!!!

Can shoot at the camera (and poor mummy felt very soapy on her arms and legs after the whole play)…


Shoot upwards…


Shoot sidewards….


Shoot upwards again…but can never go higher than papa…


Shoot downwards…


She loves it to the core and been talking about “I want Bubbles” ever since..but because this has to be a supervised play, I had kept the gun and soap water out of reach from Dawn and she plays only on the weekends.

The small bottle of soap water had long finished and because papa and mama are both lazy people, instead of making our own soap water, we just bought a huge bottle of soap water from the toy shop again.

I is for Ice-cream!

Dawn is not a girl who is very adventurous with food.  She usually stick to her own comfort zone when it comes to the choice of food. Things like bread, potato, carrot, fish, rice, kuay teow forms her daily diet.  We have to encourage and praise a lot, in order for her to try new food.

No one can quite believe when I tell them that Dawn doesn’t like Ice cream.  Oh well 🙁

Till……we gave cone biscuit to her! She loves biscuits to begin with, so the ice cream cone is now the reason she will say “I want Ice-cream!”

And she has been snatching Gong Gong, Mummy and Uncle Patrick’s ice cream cone ever since then!

↓ Try Try


↓ Mmmm..nice!


↓ Want some more!


Dawn’s Hair Cut

We knew we should avoid the Suntec area because of the F1 event this weekend, but we thought that since most drivers will avoid that area, it should not be that crowded in the afternoon before the racing starts.

And we are so right!  It’s so nice to walk in a near empty shopping mall ;p

We brought Dawn to have her hair cut; actually, Dawn was the one who reminded us that she wanted to go for her hair cut when we were at Raffles Link.

I thought I have to let her sit on my lap, but who knows, Dawn sat on the chair herself! She gets to watch her Barney too!

Dawn haircut1

dawn haircut4

dawn haircut5

dawn haircut7

↓ Don’t dare to move her head, so moved her eyes to “bio” Dear who was taking her photo. ;p

dawn haircut8

dawn haircut9

dawn haircut10

Dear took a short video of her. I am proud of my girl!

The Hair Days

I always think that it is amazing that how the millions (or zillons) of hair can makes a person look really different. And I see the difference it makes in my little girl.

She hasn’t got much hair when she was out from my womb.  Strips of hair barely cover her round head…

Day 2-3

Day 9-1

And she looks like a baby boy!

Then her hair starts to get longer (ok I admit, I did not shave her head bare when she was 1 month old, because I can’t bare to!), and the hair decided that they did not quite like the idea of gravity.  So the hair looks like a field of lalang, or some said Dawn was in a state of shock when I was taking her photos. 😮


And the days (and months) passed, with the hair tired of rejecting the law of gravity, they decided to fall in place, but I think they are still finding their right place to stay.  And this is the time where people say Dawn has “a” bad hair dayssss.  I can’t deny, but I think Dawn looks quite “toot” then. :p


Those bad hair days stayed for 2 months, and boy, I was relieved when they were more disciplined!! I thought she was going to have those kind of hair style for the rest of her life!


And finally her hair is longer and we started to tie or clip her hair and she looks girly with all the fancy stuff on her head. Issn’t she sweet?


When people asked me who cuts her hair, I will proudly said that the hairdresser is my mum.  Because Dawn looks exactly like me when I was that age.  We have the same hairstyle. Easy and simple.  That’s what kids supposed to be, issn’t? Alot of people named this kind of hairstyle the “ricebowl” cut. Do you know why?

Because it is as though using a bowl to cap the head and follow the edge of the bowl to cut the hair.  The fringe length is the same and the back length is the same. Creative right?!



A pity that the rice bowl hairstyle on Dawn going to stop for a moment, because she is too much to be handled for my mum now.  She can’t stay still enough for my mum to cut her hair anymore.  So it’s time to bring her to the salon to have her 1st hair cut experience!


My Mum : Where is Gong Gong (公公)? (Gong Gong means my dad)

Dawn : Gong Gong working.

My Mum : Where is Mummy?

Dawn : Mummy work in P*********. (my company name)

My Mum : Then what is Poh Poh (婆婆)doing? (Poh Poh is my mum)

Dawn : Poh Poh look (after) Dawn. (She omits the “after” word)

My Mum : Dawn Dawn leh? Dawn Dawn do what?

Dawn : Dawn Dawn drink milk milk.

Little model

We were doing some shopping at Marina Square over the long weekend.

Dear took this Man’s hat and put it on Dawn.  I think Dawn has this “Hat Face”, so quickly took out my Iphone and capture these photos.

Our little model for the day!






After taking all these shots, I realised that the Iphone camera is pretty good because each shot is processed very fast and thus can keep clicking the button to take numerous pictures within a few seconds. 🙂

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I Finally had it!

I had declared the things that I wanted to complete…long way back in Oct 2007.  If you don’t know what I am talking about, it probably mean you had missed that long-ago post.

And I finally did it in Aug 2009! 2 years leh! But that’s because I only get to go for lesson once a week or some of the weeks/months I could not go for any lessons at all!

It was tough.  Sacrificing my only sleep-in morning in the week, waking up the same time as the Mon-Fri, rushing back from the school to take care dawn, having to tahan the nags from the various instructor that my lessons once per week is not enough -.- etc

I probably end up not driving in my lifetime at all (like my mom), but well, it’s still something which I used to think that I can never get the licence.  It was a step for me and the promise which I had made to myself.

Though I didn’t get the licence in the 1st try (nor the 2nd! -.-), but I still can’t help but to tell myself, I made it! 🙂