The Learning Dawn

I think I had mentioned this before…but it’s really amazing to see kids learn nowadays.I was pretty concerned about Dawn’s tongue tight problem since she was young. I am still keeping my options open about possible operation to correct the problem. I’ll see how she fare when she’s 2-3 years old.

So now, Dawn @ 15 months, has been picking up her wealth of knowledge from any stimulation that she is exposed to. And it’s really fun to see her do those little actions associating with words.

* She lifts up her 2 hands when we say “Hurray!”.
* She points to her ears when we say “ears”.
* She attempts to stamp her feet when we say “Stamp your feet”.
* She claps when we say “clap your hands”.
* She claps when we say “good girl”.
* She claps when we say “clever girl”.
* She extends her right hand when we say “shake hands”
* She starts shaking her hands, body, head and butt butt when we say “dancing”.
* She waves her hands when we say “bye bye”
* She leans forward to our cheeks and plant her kisses when we say “kiss”.
* She lifts her two hands to a 90 degree position when we say “bao bao”.
* She shakes her head when she does not want something.
* She nods her head when she really wants something.
* She points to her cot when we say “where’s your bed?”.
* She says “mum mum” when she wants to eat.
* She says “mum mum” continuously when she is still not fed or still hungry.
* She points to birds and say “berd!”
* She points to dog statue and say “Doi!”
* She says “mew” when we says “cat” or point to the cat in the book.
* She looks for her book, open and read when grandma says “read your books”.
* She sits down to drink once we pass her the water bottle.
* She gently pat her tummy when we say “tummy”. (thought she still thinks that her chest looks more like tummy)
* She shows me her set of teeth when she saw me holding her toothbrush.
* She holds the toothbrush and start brushing her teeth, but 99% of the time she prefers biting the brushes instead.
* She runs to her usual sofa seat when she knows it’s time for her milk.
* She points to the TV when she wants to watch her Barney.
* She does her high 5s when you high 5 with her.

* She does her pan-kiss action when we say “pan-kiss”.
* She keeps her toys back to the big container when we say “keep your toys”.
* She points to the banana and says “nana” or “beNANA”,
* She looks for her shoes when we say “Find/take your shoes, we are going gai gai”.
* She sits down and stretches her 2 legs when she knows that you are putting on the shoes for her.
Wow! The list goes on. I never know she knows so much because my mindset is still backdated to her very young days.





爱一个人!要了解,也要开解;要道歉, 也要道谢;要认错,也要改错; 要体贴;也要体谅。
是接受, 而不是忍受; 是宽容, 而不是纵容; 是支持,而不是支配;是慰问, 而不是质问。
是倾诉,而不是控诉; 是难忘,而不是遗忘;是彼此交流, 而不是凡事交代。


不知谁是作者。。但很感谢他的笔录,因为它提醒了我,无时无刻地记得那爱的感觉。P/S : 如果你没看过看那篇文章,想看就然我知道,EMAIL 你咯!


Yummy Yummy!

It’s just so amazing how kids learn.

They learn through play most of the time.My mom had been letting Dawn played with her bowl and spoon during our dinner since few weeks back. Along the way, mom or me will put in some rice for her. I had also hold on to her little hand, onto the spoon, teaching her how to use the spoon to scoope up the rice to her mouth.

Dawn is gaining that skill! She has been feeding herself better each day and we can see results that she knows the little techniques to successfully scoope rice using the spoon.

Tried to video her using my mobile the other day..but she started using her hands to pick up the rice again..hehe..but notice how she ate that little rice which was stuck at the corner of her mouth!

The after-thoughts

Yesterday was my 2nd appt with HDB. I had a mad rush trying to do the final clearance last week… so many things to pack, so many things to shift, so many things to throw. Strange, I had already started packing long long ago…but there were just too many things to pack in the house.

Sunday as I spent my quiet time alone in the house, I was overwhelmed by emotions. I cannot help but to travel through the time machine and remembered the day when I stepped out of HDB after collecting the house keys. I can still remember I was smiling, skipping away, shaking the keys in my hands. And I cannot forget the smily faces of some onlookers who saw my expression and action then. Ironic issit?

As I look at the empty house, it was as empty as I first shifted in. Many years back, it was an anxiety to fill up the house. Many years now, it was an anxiety to empty the house asap. Ironic issit?

Almost half of the time I was there on Sunday, I was tearing up the photos. Taking everyone out from the album and tearing them to pieces. Why spend so much money on these photos in the 1st place? What’s the point? If relationship is not worth the effort or it’s so fragile, what can photos help? What’s the point of past memory if the relationship is an ugly one? Yes, it’s good, it’s sweet…ONLY if the relationship is sweet or sweeter as the years passed. Not only did the photos hurt my pockets then, the tearing up hurts my fingers too. Ironic issit?

Whichever is the case, I AM glad that the 2nd appointment is over! I repeated my way of exiting HDB as the time when I collected the key, only that this time, I was shaking the cheque instead of the keys. And with a very much lighted-heart, I left HDB. Till the time for my next house~

She finally knows it!

Had always wonder when Dawn will learn how to hold her own milk bottle…she is considered slow in this area as I realised we had spolit her unknowingly since she was born..
Then I realised that each child is special and different. They each have their own timeline, their own pace. Dawn could be slower in one area , but she could be faster in another area. So if there’s nothing too serious to be alarmed with, let the kids follow their own pace.
And finally, she knows how to hold her milk bottle on 31 March 08! I was just trying my luck again, during the night feed. Sat her down on the usual place, the sofa, and gave her the bottle. To everyone’s surprise and much excitement, Dawn held on to her own bottle as though an expert in it!

Horray to my free hands when it’s dawn’s feeding time! 😀

My 2 babies!

Some photos which Dear took while we were in the airports..

Love this particular photo! Favourite of the day!

Little Dawn enjoying a ride on Dear’s shoulder :-

We had Mc breakfast at T2 before we board the plane to Bangkok…and obviously, Dawn is enjoying it!


Yes Yes I know…

It’s been more than a month since I blogged..

I am sorry!

I didn’t realised that I be “missed” :p Now I know… Greatly appreciated!!

So what had happened since the last I blogged?

I had my 1st HDB appt in end Feb. Everything was well. Having my 2nd appt this month!

I had a good holiday in Bangkok in March! Though it’s short, but it’s just feels great to finally able to fly out of the country again, after 3 long years! We had a very comfortable and nice room in Novotel Siam Square, and very cheap and nice food in Bangkok. And of ‘cos the shopping which I wished that I could have more… Didn’t really take photos for the trip as I didn’t bring my camera along, but dear had took afew of Dawn and himself. Will post it soon! 😀

I had started playing World of Warcraft online..after the influence of Dear and Cindy… :p And that explains my MIA-ness from the blog.. But this game kept my sanity..kind of.. some who doesn’t know the essence of gaming had asked or questioned me why am I playing games instead of spending 100% of my time for Dawn.. the truth is, I need my sanity. Even pockets of time, the time-out period, I need them badly. It’s really that bad. I confessed I am not a very very patient person, especially with kids who still do not understand simple instructions.. Of cos I do not blame Dawn because she is very young! Do not get me wrong on this! I definitely enjoy the time I have with Dawn. Just that I need my time-out. I understand not all will understand this aspect because they themselves are not in the same shoes. So give me some breathing space will you?

Anyway, pictures to be posted next entry! 😀


I love you,
Because you make me happy in many ways.

I love you,
Because you laugh with me.

I love you,
Because you let me be me, and you are you.

I love you,
Because you know when to talk and when to stop.

I love you,
Because you showered me with concerns when I was sick.

I love you,
Because you read my expression, my mood and my thoughts.

I love you,
And I appreciate you in my life,
for the little and big things you done,
for that little and big thoughts you thought,
and for that warmth you always bring me.
Thanks baby!

P/S : It’s Valentine’s day it’s ok to be mushy right? heh 😀

Happy Valentine’s Day!

*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring*

“Hello, Hazel?”
“Florence here from Mail room, there’s a bouquet for you, can you please come and collect?”
“Huh? …. orh, okie.”


My hands were shaking when I waited for the lift. Who was that? Who sent me flowers? He? Can’t be what…he was saying things like Valentine’s day is just like any other days..


It’s a beautiful bouquet of 12 champagne roses! With a beautiful card…signed off by “your baby”.

For that very moment, I laughed. A laughter filled with sweetness and an urge to take a cab down to Tanglin to give Him a big hug!

It took me by surprise, left me with a sweet tingling feeling in my heart for the rest of the day…what more can I say?

Thanks baby! For this precious thought. I know it’s a lot of money spent, but I really cannot deny the fact that the flowers and your thought makes me really very happy. :p

Birthday Photos!

Here’s some photos taken during Dawn’s birthday.

Poh Poh made these eggs for Dawn!

Birthday Cake! Yee Yee ordered this for me!

And this is Dawn!



AIya! Forgot to take picture of the Sheperd Pie which Er Yee Yee made, and the lunch which Poh Poh prepared. And we totally forgot to take some family pictures…bleah!