

Dawn 听到雷声时,她就会用她的小手拍拍自己的胸膛,告诉我们她怕怕。看着她那美丽的小脸蛋,令我不知不觉的抱着她,口中重复着“不怕不怕”。




妈妈怕您的安危,现在和以后。看着你乱跑乱撞, 看着你身上的撞伤,你真的让妈妈好怕哦!




妈妈怕没钱的日子。虽然有未雨绸缪,但是还是有那种莫名其妙的不安, 也许因为你是妈妈的宝贝吧。要给你吃的,穿得暖。一个人养你真的有点辛苦。但妈妈不后悔。。。现在不会,以后也不会。


妈妈怕黑暗的日子。 经过了那种黑暗,希望剩下的日子都是在阳光中度过。。。阳光带着彩虹,妈妈可以这样过下半身吗?不求过分的财富,只求快乐,健康。。不需要刺激, 平淡就好了。。与家人,与朋友,与你 和与他,妈妈就满足了。。


I had been to Tampopo a few times already.  It used to be at the basement of Liang Court.  This is the 1st time I visited Tampopo at its new location.  They had shifted to the 1st floor of Liang Court.  The new restaurant is bigger and somewhat looks better designed than before.

I didn’t know that Tampopo is also the name of a movie. A Japanese comedy!


The entrance of Tampopo.

Dear ordered the Black Pig Shabu Shabu Ramen and I ordered the Kyushu Ramen.  The meat in the Shabu Shabu Ramen was delicious! As for the Kyushu Ramen, the cha siew was soft and when I bit it, the meat melted in my mouth. Shiok!



Shabu Shabu Ramen on the top and Kyushu Ramen at the bottom.


What I like best is the egg inside the ramen.  The egg is hard on the outside, but the yolk is very semi-cooked.  If you eat it once it’s served (when it’s hot), the egg is super nice! If you eat this kind of egg for the 1st time, you will start to wonder how they are able to make such eggs. Heh.. I am not a cook, so if anyone knows how to do this, kindly share?

If you want extra cha siew or eggs, you can order them as side dishes too.


177 River Valley Road


Liang Court Shopping Centre

Tel : 63383186

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Jang Shou Korean BBQ

Photos of food….and more food 😀

Went to Jang SHou Korean BBQ for lunch on Sat.  We reached the restaurant at around 1:45pm and it was not very crowded. After we placed our order, they started to serve us a whole lot of side dishes.  Felt like I was eating like those in 大长今.  If they serve the side dishes in those very royal kind of plates, I would have felt that I am the Korean king :p

The side dishes include the kimchi, and the side dishes are refillable.  When our meat arrived, the staff cooked them for us.  Service not bad!

The meat were delicious! Though some parts were not marinated well, where it was too salty, but overall the meat were just so good! The soup was hot hot hot! But I soon got used to them and I think they tasted very good!

The bill adds up to about $170 for 4 adults.  Very expensive! But at least the service and the delicious food made it worth the money.


RAIN visited the restaurant when he was here in Jan 2007.



Side dishes!

jangshou5 janshou7 janshou10


Delicious meat!

janshou9 janshou6

Spicy Soup and my own bowl of onions!


And Happy Dawn!

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Silence is broken

For years, we have tolerated with an “unfinished” pavement. For months, I had walked this pavement and pondered on why there are landscapers who planned in such a way which I couldn’t agree on. For days, I struggled when pushing Dawn’s pram over the uneven patch and simply dread raining days (where it became MUDDY and ruined my shoes).

I can’t tolerate anymore!

I don’t know who to contact, is it the town council? Or is it some government agencies?

Why Why Why? Why one side there’s a proper pavement, the other is …erm…Empty?  It used to be that empty patch there, and just days before I took these photos, there were these bricks there. With or without the bricks, it just does not make any sense to me.

pavement 2-1 pavement 1-1

Stomp-ed it!

My New Toy

Pardon me for the lack of updates recently.  It was a super busy weekend and a tiring one.

I bought a new lappy in the recent PC fair! That also explain why I wasn’t posting over the weekend because I was trying to make my new lappy work; had to reinstall a lot of software again and playing around with Vista. I am still not very used to Vista 🙁

I bought the Aspire 6920G-833G32Mn, with free upgrade to 4GB ram.  The specs are :


Aspire 6920G-833G32Mn

Operating System

·  Genuine Microsoft® Windows Vista®Home Premium

Processor and Core Logic

System Memory

  • Upgradeable to 4GB using dual soDIMM modules


  • 16″ Full HD 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution, Acer CineCrystalTM TFT LCD
  • nVidia® GeForce® 9500M GS with up to 1280MB of TurboCacheTM (512MB of dedicated GDDR II VRAM, 768MB of shared system memory)

Storage Subsystem

  • 320GB HDD
  • DVD-Super Multi Double-Layer drive (DVD+/-RW)

This lappy is quite heavy, maybe because I am too used to my Travelmate lappy weight.  With this heavy box, I felt that the distance between Suntec and Raffles MRT station is so far.  My arms and fingers were breaking by the time I reach the station!


The lappy cover…should I Zhng it? Skins? Crystals? 😀


The lappy before and after switching on. The power light up is blue, that’s why they call it the blue gem series.  The touched screen media console on the left looks cool hor?

acer3 acer4

And my free gifts! A 20G pocket drive, which I love it very much.  So slim and the space is good for me to transfer a lot of files to the new lappy.  I don’t need to download WOW updates at all as Dear helped me to copy the whole WOW folder into the new lappy, and BINGO, the WOW works immediately!

Acer also had this package freebie where you can chose Microsoft office (package A), 500G external HDD (Package B) and 2nd & 3rd Year extended warranty (Package C).  I went to the fair with the 500G HDD in mind, but I was convinced to take the extended warranty instead. Heh.  Acer also gave me a free luggage tag with number lock, which I think it will come in useful when I go for my holidays.


I was happy with the deal I had (freebies + $150 discount from selling price), but I think this will be the first and last time I will buy a laptop or PC from a PC fair.  It was kind of messy in that place and the wait to close my deal was so damn long.  Imagine, I decided to buy the lappy at 5:25pm, and only at 6:10pm, they started taking out my lappy from the store and put in my free ram upgrade. Their working counter was too small, with so many salesperson and customers, the place was overcrowded.

And, I think something was wrong when the guy inserted the battery into the lappy because my media console was not working when I boot up at home.  It was always on the “HOLD” button and I couldn’t “un-hold” it at all. I was indeed pissed because I wasted the whole morning trying to figure what was wrong.  When I was about to give up, I remember that “when all else fails, take out the battery pack, reinsert and boot up again”.  And it works. LOL.


Sunday (8 June 08) was “Duan Wu Jie”. Though I am someone who doesn’t really know how to cook (too blessed with a mother who cooks for me, so have not master the art of cooking YET), but I always wanted to learn how to wrap the rice dumpling (“Ba Zhang” in Hokkien). Its a skill which not many youngsters nowadays know.

Duan Wu Jie (is 端午节,not 粽子节!!) came about because of a hero.  You can read the story here.

I had a chance to learn from Dear’s family on how to wrap Ba Zhang on Saturday!  It was fun learning and seeing my little improvement from an almost shapeless Ba Zhang to something which finally looks like Ba Zhang! Besides Dear’s mother, Dear’s sister is also very skillful can! Her Ba Zhangs are all in very nice shapes!

These are the 2 Ba Zhangs for my breakfast.  The right one is wrapped by me..with obvious tell-tale signs.

Bazhang1 Bazhang2

The bottom tip is not pointed enough, means, I did not shape the Ba Zhang enough when wrapping it. The 2nd picture shows that the leaves are quite loose…which also means that my grip was not very good when wrapping it. Heeee..

Bazhang3 Bazhang4

Very delicious Bah Zhangs! :p

I found this step-by-step guide on how to wrap the dumpling, a nice guide!


The gang met up for the June Birthdays gathering again! Hmm, come to think about it, I had not post the pictures for the May Birthday outing yet! :p

This time, we gathered at Ricciotti, an Italian Restaurant at China Square Central.


It’s quiet on a Saturday evening.  Besides the 16 of us, there was only another family inside the restaurant. We ordered 3 pizzas as our “starters”, and we each ordered our own pasta as our main.  I didn’t manage to take pictures of the pizzas because I was trying to wake Dawn up from her nap.

Their snacks in the menu do not seem to be valued for money.  It’s like $10 over dollars, but the quantity is little. As such, Dear decided to order pizzas as starters instead; at least they are something that can fill the hungry stomach.

In my opinion, the pizzas were not something which I will go “wow” about.  It’s thin crust pizza, but it’s not as crispy as what I had in Spizza.  The fillings were too little to my liking and it felt as if I was biting onto the crust immediately.  I still prefer Spizza’s pizza, they are much better!

Next, we had our pasta.  I wanted to order a cream-based pasta as I seldom eat a tomato-based pasta. Based on the description stated on the menu, I ordered the only pasta which was described as “cream sauce”. To my horror, this was what it looked like when it was served :

Tomato cream sauce

My supposedly cream sauce pasta had become tomato-based pasta! After a check with the waiter, he said that it was “tomato cream sauce”. -.-;  They cannot put it down on the menu meh? It’s so misleading can?

Knowing my preference over cream sauce pasta, Dear exchanged his carbonara pasta with me. The carbonara pasta was normal, nothing too great or too sucky to comment about.

Carbonara Pasta

The crab meat pasta looked not bad!

Crab Meat Pasta

Jimmy had the baked Eggplant..not my kind of food, but I think he had a good meal.

Egg plant

Before we left this restaurant for drinks at another place, I saw these cakes and I think they do look tasty. Not sure how they taste like, maybe we will try them another day!




3 Pickering Street


Nakin Row

China Square Central

Tel : 64388040

P/S : It’s crowded on weekday lunch, make a reservation if you want to come in groups of 4 and above.

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Father Instinct

The other day while flipping through Simply Her, I saw a letter submitted by a father.  His words are so heartfelt, especially the part about staying up whole night when the child was having fever. Bravo to this father!

Father Figure


I think teething process is a painful thing to go through, for both the kid and the mother.  I mean, can you imagine a big hard tooth trying to break the once perfect smooth pinky gum? OUCH! And a kid of 2 years have to tolerate the pain of 20 such teeth breaking out the gums. OUCH again. As for the pain of the mother, she might have to endure the sleepless nights, a kid who suddenly became very fussy over the food or dealing with a restless kid.

I myself went through sleepless nights, for a period as long as 1.5 months! Then, I was still very puzzled with Dawn’s changed sleeping patterns.  When the sleepless nights ended, i then realised that Dawn was teething! And she was teething 8 teeth at the same time! Oh My, now I know why she was so difficult during that 1.5 months!


As you can see, this is the teething chart.  Right now, Dawn has all the teeth, 1-4, upper and lower.  The 2 upper first molars are not fully grown yet, but had already made their appearance.

When Dawn was about 5 months old and shown signs of teething, my parents and I bought a few teethers for her. I wasn’t very particular with the types of teethers in the market and just bought anything which was of the right price and shape.  She had 8 very pretty pearly whites (4 upper and 4 lower) for sometime before she started teething for the next 8 teeth (which was the 1.5 months of sleepless nights which I had mentioned). At that time, we gave her the same teethers which she was using initially.  That was then I realised that choosing a teether is a very important decision.

Because she already had 8 front teeth, it was a grave mistake to pass her a teether which contain rubber parts. This is the result of our mistake.


Look at the hole (below the watermark) that was bitten off by Dawn (the purple parts at the both ends are made of rubber kind of material)!  Can you imagine our shock?  I thought that teether is supposed to be safe to bite on. I thought teether has no age limit.  And I was so so wrong!

I had threw away the packaging and thus I could not find out whether the product had actually specified that this teether is for particular age or labeled with some caution. I mean, if there was none, it could be the negligence of the manufacturer. However, I also do not deny that fact that we as parents should also be careful with what we pass to our children.

So parents out there, be wise in choosing your teethers. You can try Luv n Care Round Pur Ice Bite Teether or Soothie Teething Pacifier

Here’s some websites which you may find them useful when your kid is teething : Teething-babies , BabyCenter and Parents.

Pretty Dawn

I think it’s really the nature of woman to want to be pretty.  It start from a very young age, as young as 1 year old!

Sometime back, Dawn had been seeing my mom using the curlers to curl her hair.  And Dawn, who might have thought that it’s a pretty thing to do, she followed what my mom did too!


And a few days back, I tied her hair successfully for the first time.  Usually she will take off the clips or the rubber bands as soon as I put on her hair.  I managed to tie a little ponytail at the side and I realised that its quite difficult to tie her hair properly because her hair is so soft and thin.

Anyway, she posed when I wanted to take a photo of her!


Did she melt your heart? 😀