jOURney so far

I have nothing to expect…. because I am already contented.  Life may not be in that expected perfection, but is it a life or is it a journey?

This journey had been tough so far, but it could be much tougher without you.

I know I had burdened you somehow someway for sure, but you had always told me I had not.

Certain words are so hard to be said, to really describe the real feelings and thoughts within.

Tears are warm and they meant something more than joy.

The sunny flowers made me look like a silly girl infront of the delivery man (who is also the florist boss and his personal friend! -.-), but who will not feel silly-ly loved with the sight of the big bouquet?

Knowing that these flowers cannot be kept for long, who will still bear to spend that kind of money? I knew he did it for me.

Thanks baby, for this surprise (yah, good job for sending it on Thursday instead of Friday), for this to keep me smiling in the midst of the stressful job, for this thought, for this love.


↑ ↓ sunny flowers! 1 to cheer the day, 3 to say he loves me, 12 to say be happy cos he loves me! :p


Weeks before, I had some cheap thrill while we had a lazy afternoon.  Trying to see how well we can cooperate to make the heart shape with our hands.

First try :


Not too bad for a 1st-timer la, out of shaped..and a fat heart 😡

Try again :


Nice boh! quite nice liao la! hand almost got cramp can?! it’s hard to do that and taking the photo using the phone!


Cheap thrill can be nice once a while..doing silly things together can be very fun too 😀

Gasping for Air

Barely 1 month to the new year…and I am feeling really tired.  How can that be?  Am I really that old?

So many things happened in the span of 3 weeks, I felt so breathless.  Almost every night, I reached home gasping for air while having my dinner.

It doesn’t help when my luck seems to be quite bad these few weeks.

It also doesn’t help when the kid was sick.

Dawn was rather sick after she went school for 5 days. And for the last 2 weeks, she stopped going school because she was having a bad running nose and a very bad “wet” cough.

As a result of her sickness, she could not sleep very well at night, which of ‘cos affected me.  I had little sleep for a couple of days, to the extend that I thought I was running on backup battery in the day.  With the numerous things that I had to complete in the day, there were no other choice but to put on a strong front at work.  I have a wonderful mom, who helped me for one of the nights after she heard Dawn cried every 15 minutes.  I was totally worn out.  My mom too.

Don’t mention the > $200 medical bills and the paid school feels. I am not “niao” towards my girl, what’s needs to spend have to be spent… but money is just so hard to earn nowadays.

Beside this, there are also work matters. Balls are flying around and I have to be quick in catching the balls.  Not going to blog much about work today..I will keep them in another post.

Something is wrong with my precious PSP.  Though I still can play games on it, it will get hanged or hard to start-up.  Haiz.

Even a fruit can bully me because I forgot about it and it squashed in my bag and stained my precious PSP.

And worst, I fell down and hurt my knees and left wrist 2 days ago.  All because of too much things on my mind. Now both the knee area are swollen and every move hurts.


When will all these end?? Can I have some quietness and peace?  It can be boring at times, but at least it can allow me to have dinner without trying to gasp for air from the same hole at the same time.

Ok, I am ranting. >:[

Dawn is 2!

It seems like we had just celebrated Dawn’s 1st year birthday.  And now, we are celebrating her 2nd birthday!

I thought of organising a birthday party for Dawn.  One of the suggestions was to have a BBQ.  However, after much consideration, I decided to have a small cosy affair.

So with a beautiful cake, a nice home-cooked meal and Dawn’s VIP guest list (we are her very important people in her life right now mah!), we had a wonderful time.

↓ Cake from Pine Garden Cakes.

dawn 2yr bd2

↓ Beautiful Cake! Dawn said “Elmo Elmo” when she saw the cake.

dawn 2yr bd4

dawn 2yr bd6

↓ Wow! I have a pink piano as my present!

dawn 2yr bd9

↓ Present from my Yee Yees. I am 2! Ops, still can’t do the “2” on my fingers.

dawn 2yr bd10

↓ Uncles fixed up my piano.

dawn 2yr bd11

↓ The Delicious Bee Hoon prepared by Poh Poh.

dawn 2yr bd14

↓ Beautiful Cake again with candals.

dawn 2yr bd15

↓ Posing with my piano. I chose this pose myself!

dawn 2yr bd29

↓ Playing and singing at the same time. Smart or not?

dawn 2yr bd30

Letting Go

I had started my journey of letting go..allowing little Dawn to explore more on her own.

I acknowledged that I had been quite a protective mother.  Even though I might be perceived otherwise by others, but the true fact is, I am always protective over Dawn especially in her safety aspect. Haiz, I think that’s what most mothers will feel issn’t?

I am also a worrier, by nature and by my character.  A worrier of alot of things, big things and small things.  But I am proud that I had changed quite a bit, realising that alot of things will be straightened out by themselves when the right time comes. 🙂

We had brought Dawn to Vivo alot of times. But we had never let her explore the playground nor the water park at the rooftop before.  Why? Because I am the worrier. And the major worry is? I think you will faint when you read this…

I worried about how to clean her up after she made a mess of herself  – the water and the dirt. :p

Anyway, I initiated to Dear that we should let Dawn try the playground today. So she had great fun!

↓ Ops! 走光了!


↓ Having fun with the water.

Well, I still have to deal with the water and the dirt after all the fun…but not that bad time we will be more prepared. 😀

Photos to show off Dawn’s mini skirt.

↓ Now you see it….


↓ Now you don’t! 😀


Dawn goes to school!

2nd Jan 2009, time for Dawn to go school!

I signed her up for a 2 hour play-group.  Dawn is yet 2 years old, and my mom said that Dawn is such a poor thing to go school so early; which I totally disagree.  It’s a blessing to have the opportunity to go school and she can learn how to make friends.

Here’s Dawn ready to go school! ↓


Busy playing ↓


Still busy playing ↓


Busy playing and trying to make friends ↓


Acting busy ↓ ;p


There are a few kids who cried, a few kids clinging to their parents/ah ma and refused to join the rest of the kids. Dawn was so busy playing from one area to another area.

I will not follow her into the classroom on Monday…it’s time for Dawn to learn some independence.