Chase Cars with me….

We’ll do it all
On our own

We don’t need
Or anyone

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

I don’t quite know
How to say
How I feel

Those three words
Are said too much
They’re not enough

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Forget what we’re told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that’s bursting into life

Let’s waste time
Chasing cars
Around our heads

I need your grace
To remind me
To find my own

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Forget what we’re told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that’s bursting into life

All that I am
All that I ever was
Is here in your perfect eyes, they’re all I can see

I don’t know where
Confused about how as well
Just know that these things will never change for us at all

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

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My new gadget!

I bought my new mobile! It’s a Nokia 6110 Navigator.

Talking about this phone, I was quite upset by the product knowledge of M1 staff of bugis branch.

Remember the previous post where I mentioned that I was told there were no ways to back up my smses? Well, it is POSSIBLE for Nokia phones. Just by using the Nokia PC Suite, it is POSSIBLE to back up the smses from the Nokia phone. The M1 counter staff told me a FIRM NO and that it is impossible even to use the Nokia Suite.

Another thing was, while I was at that branch, I asked TWO M1 staff whether this 6110 Navigator has WIFI and I can tap on the free wireless@SG. Both of them told me YES. When I was at M1 Paragon, the staff there told me this phone doesn’t come with an in-built WIFI. Can you imagine my shock? I can excuse them from not knowing that smses can be backed up as they might not be Nokia users, but how can they not know the new mobile phones features? And they couldn’t even bothered to check the specifications?!

Anyway, I bought the phone. I was rather disappointed by this phone too.. It hung 3 times within 4 days. And I realised I have to be slow in pressing the buttons especially when switching applications. Haiz…

And the camera seems worst than my previous 6230i 1.3 mega pixa camera…

The navigator doesn’t seem to pick up my present location. It kept stating “Getting position”. I think I will remain lost for half a day if I depend on this navigator for directions. Duh. (Or anyone can help me with my settings?)

Oh well..but it’s good to have a new a birthday present for myself. =)

Birthday Celebrations

It’s the time of the year, again.
And this time it’s to welcome the sweet 30s (as quoted by one of my dear friends).
Makan, makan and more makan.
On 10 Aug, Fan, A, Jimmy & Bernard gave me a treat at the japanese restaurant at Tanglin Shopping Centre (I can’t remember what’s the name of the restaurant!). We sat in their japanese-style private room, it was what I wanted to try out all along. It’s nice and cosy. The food were nice, especially the Stew Pork Belly. A said he doesn’t take fatty meat but ended up taking 2 of those meat! 😮
We went for a drink after the dinner. My mom had given me a “time-off” and I could go home after 12am for once. LH came and join us for drink after his work. Aiya, ended up a little high after all the beer games and Fan had to accompany me home. That’s sweet of him. If I have girl-friends who are of his age, I think I will recommend them to him. Hehe 😀
I was on leave on my actual birth-date. Met up with H and went for a simple lunch & dinner. Lunch was at one dim sum place at geylang. So far my best dim sum eatry. Good and cheap!
We watched Perfect Strangers and I can only say this show is brilliant! The plot is just smart. Was amazed on how there’s such brainy people who can plot a murder. Wow!
I wanted to buy a new mobile phone for myself as a present. I chose my phone, proceed to the counter and only to realised that my smses in my present phone cannot be backed up or transferred to the new phone. So went home empty-handed. Bleah!
I met up with CT United girls on 18 Aug. Went to Swensons at Vivocity. I brought Dawn along because it’s my parents day out.
The desserts were nice! We had White Chocolate Blondie & the Fondue. The blondie is exceptionally nice, with the “I-want-more” taste left on my tastebud. Thumbs up!

Of cos, besides all the makan, it’s nice to catch up with my friends. =)
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Birthday for LH

A long overdued post…

Fan & I went to this Vibe restaurant (at claymore hotel) to “celebrate” LH’s birthday. The rest of the gang were either not able to come or out of town. I call it a “celebration” because it was just a normal dinner get-together. No big parties of ‘cos.
It was a good buffet, with meat and lots of meat! The starters were good too. I was overwhelmed with the high chocolate fondue. Was very tempted to start with the fondue as my starters.

(It’s only 1 fondue, the other one was a mirror reflection)

The meat was good. The chef had to walk around the restaurant to serve us with the meat. He must be very tired after every day of work, so much walking to do.

We had red wine , or rather Fan & LH had the wine. I couldn’t finish even half of the glass of red wine that was poured for me. Such a waste.

And dessert time! They had the dessert served on small individual plates. Nice!

(A display of all the desserts)

(Cheese cake and I had taken a mouth-full)

(Nice tiramisu)

And after dinner I had to go home for Dawn..too bad, no night drinks. Time is so short for me…

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A Mother’s Love

I got a Birthday card from a Mothers’ club, inside it was written :

A Mother’s love is so strong,
it begins before her child is born,
and it lasts for a lifetime long,
for the child she’s so fond.

On this day,
We celebrate your birth,
for there’s none
like a mother’s love!

Nice one!


It’s a busy season for me again. For the past 7 years, June-Oct period is the busiest period for my work. Over the years, it got worst. When I first join this company, my department was only 7 staff strong. Now, we have more than doubled the number and yet we are still as busy. Till the extent that I do not even have time for a loo visit -.-

Was asked to help out in a 1-week overseas project. It was damn tiring..but I was glad that I was given a room by myself, at least I do not have to put up with someone’s else untidiness and fighting over morning wash-up. And of cos the snorings…hehe..

There were happy and angry times during this trip…angry over the insensitiveness of some colleagues. Not going to bitch about much in here though..

Oh ya..I had a good drinking session on the last night…was kind of forced to drink because the guys were playing the 5-10 game. I pretty surprised that I can still hold beer quite well! Was also almost pull to the dance floor, but I stuck my butt on the chair, for obvious reasons. I don’t want to show people lumps of fats jumping away on the dance floor…it will be a talk of the whole office in no time.

But of ‘cos I missed Dawn. I was worried that she will not recognised me after not seeing me for 6 days. But I am so touched when I stood still and look at her, she flashed me a big smile after realising who I am. She’s such a darling!

I didn’t have much time to shop though. It’s so freaking cheap there! I wished I had all the time to shop. I got an original Disney shirt for Dawn for 5 Ringgit!

Enough about the overseas project…I missed my promotion this year…expected I was not disappointed. Who will promote someone who went on maternity leave? Even though my boss told me it’s not because of those maternity leave (but because “they have timely plans for everyone – DUH -.-)……whatever..

I got a 3.5 mths bonus this year..not too bad, but still..left with none after settling all the bills ..damn it!

You think too highly of me


No better words to describe.

Work is tiring.

Waking everyday at 4am to reach for the milk bottle is tiring.

Struggling with proper discipline of the kid is tiring.

Dealing with sensitive emotions at home is tiring.

Companionship is tiring.

Even my pockets are tired.

Oh God, you think too highly of me.

How long more for the exams to be over?

Is there ever some pee time in between the exams?