Rainbow & Superwoman

Always wanted to see that rainbow together with you.

But didn’t had the chance. and never will have chance.

I saw it today….and you were at the other corner of the island.

And that very moment, your song came on the cd-player….

I thought of you…and how foolish we were.

Sunflower and those Royce Chocolate

It wasn’t a good few weeks for me. Was fustrated over some work issues and all these issues were dragging my emotions down.
Friends know about it, and some gave me good consolation.
One of them, and a thoughtful one, sent a bag of Royce Chocolate and a Sunflower to cheer me up. How sweet!

The sunflower! (the pig is not part of the gift)

A box of goodies!

And yes, chocolates do help to take away some of the blues.


With work.

I was asked to be involved with so many projects that I am so busy in the office. To the extend that I didn’t have the time to have my toilet break.
I was so tired every day after work that I hardly have any more energy left at night to do anything else.
Some projects are coming to the end…and hopefully November is a better month.
Picture paints a thousand words.
This is my working area in the early morning!
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Stop Procrastinating!

I set some goals which I wanted to complete or achieve.

Some of which are :

  1. Have my Hap A + B injection done.
  2. Resume my regular Dentist visit (I stopped since I was pregnant, I used to go twice a year).
  3. Change my mailing address for my banks,insurance etc
  4. Learn Driving & get my license

Till date, my results are :

  1. Took 2 course of my injection, having the last one in Nov. Yeah!
  2. Finally scheduled my dentist appointment this week. Argh…think have to be on the chair hearing all the awful sound for at least half an hour..Plagues are hard to removed after so long!
  3. Changed most of the mailing address, except for my insurance policies and one of the credit cards. I kept forgetting to give them a call during working hours!
  4. I have to stop procrastinating about this!

Dahda! As the title of this post stated, I have to STOP PROCRASTINATING about my driving lessons! I have to retake my advance theory (which my passed result had already expired long ago), start taking my lessons and go for my test!

I am reading this Adam Khoo’s book and one of his points strikes me, hard. He mentioned in the book about how alot of people did not achieve their goals, because the goals are more like a wish than a MUST. When we are left with NO CHOICE to succeed, things become a MUST for us. Until then, we will usually continue putting things off until it becomes an “absolute must” one day.

I had retrieved my basic driving test results at least. The next step for me is to account for my finances and start taking my advance theory plus taking up all the lessons. Maybe I do feel heartpain about the money, but this driving thing had been a very heavy issue in my heart recently. And I know I must do it or I will never feel satisfied.

I decided to blog this because I want to be accountable for what I want to do. Least I want is when friends start asking about my driving and I tell them I haven’t done anything about it at all.

Goodbye to my future $2000 or so… damn! I could have a good holiday with that amount of money. But the license will be priceless. =)











This entry was posted in Musings.

This might calm your baby to sleep!

Recently I realised that there is one thing which will help drift Dawn to sleep.

You will never guess what it is.

It’s the pulling of her diaper tape! I do not know how to describe the sound. Try it if you want to know!

I had to lift up and ‘re-stick’ the diaper tape repeatedly and Dawn will slowly drift to sleep. I had been using this method for a week already and amazingly, it works everytime.

I do not know whether it is the sound or the motion that calms her down. I am really interested to know why!

Maybe you can try this method too if you need a solution to calm your baby to sleep? 🙂

That Special You

You are a special person to me.

That very special person who was there when I was in the darkest night.

It was you who gave me the courage.

It was you who bothered to call me immediately when I smsed that I have no more courage left.

It was you who saved me from the edge.

It was you that explained the laughter I had.

The smiles are because of you.

It was you I see some reasons to live on.

It was you who gave me hope.

It was you who melted me. To give in my precious self.

It was all about you.

Thanks for everything.

For now, my smiles are gone.

Laughter are fake.

I still wish that you are here.

This entry was posted in Musings.

Great Book!

I just finished reading this book yesterday. It’s a great book! It offers many parenting advices which I had not thought of or came across from any other books or online articles which I had read before. It lives up the the name of “Darn Good Advice”! Advices includes handling the temper of the child in different situations (which I find it very handy!).

They are all the same

I realised,Men seldom acknowledged that they are wrong, even when they are really wrong. The word “sorry” is so hard to come out from their mouth.

Men hate the past. They rather sweep everything under the carpet than to deal with it. By brushing everything away, it’s called “moving on”. By neglecting the feelings of their partners, it means having dominant over the situation.

Men are quick tempered. They must finish saying what they are unhappy about, and never allow their partners to voice their unhappiness. They expect the partner to shut up before the words fuel their temper to a volcano eruption. But they never shut up even though the partner is about to erupt.

I may be bias in this post. However, these are thoughts that come to me based on my experience with men in my life. I am not saying that I am 100% correct, but these are my thoughts. To all those men who are reading this and disagree to all my statements, you may just be those extinct men out there whom are no longer available for me. I salute you and envy your partner.

This entry was posted in Musings.

Recipe : Potatoe & Fish Pureed

Mom had been preparing this pureed for little Dawn. It’s just adding fish to the usual potatoe pureed but the sweetness of the fish makes this pureed taste so much better.


1 potato
Fish slices
Expressed breast milk, formula milk or warm boiled water


Cut the potato into four or five pieces and boil for 15 minutes or until completely soft.
During the last 3-5 minutes, put in the fish slices and boil till cooked.
Place the fish & soft potato into blender or food processor. You can also use a potato hand mesher.
Add 1 tablespoon of fluid at a time until you have a smooth puree of potatoes.