
How nice it will be if I will ever get a $88 Angbao out of nothing…

No..this is not talking about the $88 angbao that’s not real…

I went shopping the other day. It’s so hard to look for clothes nowadays. The fashion is way out of my liking. All those fluffy, baggy clothes reminds me of my pregnant clothes. Yucks! Why on earth fashion turn into something that makes every lady walking on the street look like they are pregnant?!

Walked the whole of shopping mall but I could not find something which gave me a reason to sign my credit card.

Was about to leave when… I spotted this top which is the right cut, right fashion, right colour, right fit….. and guess what?

It cost $88!

I can’t part with my money for a top that cost $88 …I just can’t….and I walked away….




Dawn is 1! Sweet!

Celebrating Dawn’s birthday gave me a whole new perspective of things. It’s VERY different from celebrating my own or any others’ birthdays.

Our own birthdays could be filled with cake, presents, dinners, gatherings etc etc. It’s a day of self-declared “Me” holiday (well, most will chose to take leave from work on the day of the birthday), it’s possibly a day of “Age-anxiety”. It could be a day of reflection of the past years and counting on the things which were achieved. It’s just about “ME”.

When I celebrated Dawn’s birthday…..I suddenly realised that birthdays are so noble. Noble for the mothers, ie. It’s no longer about how big the cake is, or how much presents my dear girl has received, BUT it’s an indication of how much my dear girl had grown for that past 1 year. And this indication and thought that ran inside me is so heart-warming, so real and so filled with thanks-giving.

And I appreciated my own mother more.

Whether my birthday is celebrated or not, that noble indication makes the day as or even brighter than any kind of celebration; or no-celebration. That day, even how old I am, will always bring my mother back to the day when she was delivering me.

And yes, I thought of the day Dawn was born. Everything was fresh in my mind..to the extend of the sound of the equipment, Dawn’s 1st cry and Dawn’s 1st look at me when she was pulled to my body the moment she was out.

I look forward to every Dawn’s birthday..I know whenever her birthday comes, I aged… but as long as she is healthy & happy, I am happy.


I enjoy that happy smile ….
…. that flashes at me and it makes my day.

I enjoy that morning sms ….
…. that greeted me and makes my day.

I enjoy that cup of ginger tea ….
…. that makes me stop sniffing and it makes my day.

I enjoy that cup of coffee ….
…. that I yield for the moment I stepped into the office, and it makes my day.

I enjoy those family gatherings ….
…. those which are filled with warmth and noise, and it makes my day.

I enjoy those quiet moments in the dark bedroom ….
…. those which I can hide under my blanket and play my psp, and it makes my day.

I enjoy those warm hands ….
…. those that kept me warm and hold me tight, and it makes my day.

I enjoy that kiss ….
…. that kiss that tells me he loves me, and it makes my day!

Oh yah…I’m a simple woman. Little things makes me happy. Little things makes me enjoy them…

Goodbye…. and Hello…

As I looked through my posts for the year, I am glad that I have not lived 2007 in vain.

I remembered last year this day, I was filled with anxiety, frustrations, confused feelings and despair. Dawn was in my tummy then and I was typically dragging my feet everywhere because of her increased weight in me. The weight in my tummy was as heavy as my heart.

Today, as I rested my head on his‘s shoulder, when we were on our way home in a cab after a new year’s eve dinner with friends, I am so glad that I had lived this day. My heart was light, filled with thankfulness, love and having the feeling of being protected.

It is indeed good to end 2007 with Dear and start 2008 with him, by my side.

Goodbye 2007.

Hello 2008!

It’s Dec!

Dec. The month of holidays, presents and good food.

Coming to the end of the year. What have you accomplished this year? What have you not?

* Holidays *

My company is pretty generous this year. We have the eves declared as the Company Public Holiday. So I have 2 long weekends!

I finally have a holiday overseas (in the definition of having the passport stamped!), after a long 3 years! Though is not somewhere far (Batam ie.), but it’s good enough for me now. Brought Dawn along too. And all these will not be possible if it’s without him. Had a very good time there, even though little Dawn drained most of our energy away… 😀

* Presents *
He surprised me with an anniversary gift on 7 Dec.. and that’s Romance!

The one fragrance that makes me feel happy… and now it makes me think of him whenever that sweet fragrance comes by. 😀

He brought me to shop for my Christmas present too..Titus watch!

Pretty issn’t?

I brought myself a present too…and that is PSP Slim! :p

Not all of these, ie. Mine is the felicia blue one (the most right)!


* Food & Merry *

Had a steamboat gathering with the girls on 8 Dec at Rine’s place. Met up with long-lost Pau. She didn’t change much, still as dramatic as before.. ;p Dear nearly fell off the chair when he first witnessed Pau’s drama.. haha!

Had a company function at Rogues. Nice chill-out place at the roof top. But the food were served alittle too slow…Were too busy and forgot to take pictures of the food!

Had Ayam Penyet in Batam. Nice! So much better than what I had in Singapore before. The avacado drink is cheap and heavenly!

Had a good Christmas day with him, with lots of walking, buying of gifts, and lots of walking. Yes, correct…I am emphasizing on the “walking” :p We had good lunch and dinner at Holland Village..and the dinner satisfied his’s craving for pork knuckle 😀


“And I will fill in the gap”

When I …

…. need a shoulder to lean, his shoulders are always ready;

…. nearly slipped, his hold is always strong and assuring;

…. forgot my stuff, his reminders are ever gentle and timely;

…. need advices, his thoughts are objective and gives me a perspective of things;

…. was having silent thoughts, he acknowledged my thoughts with a probe;

…. felt overwhelmed with the crowd, he made the path so much easier for me;

…. am walking in front, his gentle touch assured me that he is right behind me;

…. am so eager to share my thoughts, he simply listens to me patiently;

…. didn’t expect anything, he gave me a good surprise;

…. never thought that anyone will ever cross my path again, he came, stopped at my path, and walked with me on the same path.

I asked,

“If one day I stop being talkative, will we have nothing else to talk about?”

He replied,

“I will fill in the gap.”

Thanks dear, for filling every single gap. For standing in those gaps and bridges us together.

Happy Anniversary! =)





跟你在一起, 感觉很踏实。



像是酒, 越喝越陶醉。。。

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与千万人之中遇见你说遇见的人, 于千万年之中, 时间的无涯的荒野里, 没有早一步, 也没有晚一步, 刚巧赶上了, 那也没有别的话可说, 惟有轻轻地问一声 ‘噢 , 你也在这吗?’– 张爱玲《爱》



This entry was posted in Musings.


It’s sweet, to have someone acknowledged your presence, instead of hiding you away.It’s double sweet, to have someone to accept who you are, and not afraid to be seen with you.

“I told my friends about you.” The sms was short. Yet, it’s so sweet that I was dumbfounded. My heart stings. As though stung by a pinch of poison that melts my entire heart…

I must confess. There were no fireworks feelings and not many heart throbbing moments. But the feelings that was given was somewhat secure. So secure that I wanted to stay in that very moment.

Those tranquil feelings….that feeling of peace when you are with that somebody.

The feeling of being protected. And that his presence tells you that everything is going to be okie. Without a word, but just the presence.

Let these feelings stay.