A day in the Bird Park

It’s been a long long time since I stepped into Singapore Bird Park.  And since the tickets are free (thanks to Dear’s company), why not?

It’s hot. Nothing else I can describe.  I am not a park person to begin with.  If you let me chose between an air-con  mall or a park of any kind, the 1st I will say will be the mall, even though I know that sometimes I will be bored with a mall than a park!

It’s the 1st time Dawn visits the Bird Park! She wasn’t extremely excited, and there seems to have some reservations from her when we are watching the bird show.  When we wanted to watch the 2nd bird show, she told us, “No, No”.  What a waste ><;


↓ Clever parrot!


↓ Something interesting happening on stage?




↓ Mummy was very nervous when taking this photo because Dawn is standing on a rock!   




↓ Dawn is resting her legs and head on Dear!



↓ Out of the park and enjoying the ice cold coke! Such a good drink for both of us.  Dawn was having her snack of bread!


Money Money Money!

I am Dawn, the teacher for the day.


Today I am going to teach you about the Money! I love money and I know the value of money, do you?

See! This is a $1 coin!


And this is a $5! I must hold it this way so that I can see the lion head!


This is a red colour note! A $10 note!


And I love the $10 note! I can buy alot of sweets!


Thank you for reading.  Hope you have learn about the value of money!



Dawn had learnt how to paddle her kiddy “bicycle” and we thought that it’s time she switch to a proper “bicycle” so that she can learn the riding skill.

She tried on a few kinds but all of them are too high for her..for safety concerns, dear and I felt that we will have to delay our purchase.

But she does looks cool on the bike..heh




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Interesting things from Japan – Part 3

The toilets! I spent a good 15 mins to look at the toilet bowl when we first checked into Mercure Hotel!

Most of the toilet bowls in Japan has this “control panel” at the side (1st photo).  Yes, even the public toilets.

It allows you to wash your butt after the big business or for the women to keep clean after pee.

So after the big business, one can press on the “Shower” button.  A tube will be extended out and WARM water will be sprayed out from it (2nd & 3rd photo).

For the women, the button to press is “Bidet”.

Done with washing? Press the “Stop”  button!

The knob on side is for adjusting the strength of the water.

For the toilet seat in Mercure Hotel, the seat temperature can be adjusted.  Inside of sitting on an ice cold toilet seat (which can give you a shock), it is a thoughtful gesture from the Hotel to have this.




In the public toilets, at least 1 or all of the cubicles in the ladies’ toilets will have a baby seat (as shown in this picture ↓).  This is especially useful for mothers who are alone with their baby and need to answer to nature’s call.  I didn’t see such seats in Singapore’s toilets at all.  I still can remember I did not dare to go shopping with Dawn alone when she didn’t know how to walk yet as I was afraid that I can’t go toilet when I need to.  The toilets are too small to push the pram inside and I don’t feel safe putting her outside while I shut the door to do my business.


Can we have these in Singapore please?  If there is so much hype about trying to provide clean public toilets, please also look at what a first class toilet should be!


Something is missing.  But I don’t know what.

Maybe the fear that caused it.

Or maybe the stress.

Could be the time running out.

Maybe it just depleted.

I don’t know.  WHAT IS MISSING??


Changing the skin of blogs is no joke ><;

First the searching for a free suitable skin is a challenge. Free ones usually meant most of the skins will not have a 100% fit to what I most wanted for my blog.

Then looking at the codes and changing to best suit my needs is another challenge.  With no academic knowledge of all those codes, I have to self learn by google-ing or try and error.  Tedious.  The more I do, the more I regret that I didn’t study computer / programming / visual arts during my school days. 🙁

This is still not what I really want..but ok for now bah.

What is Your Name?

The very first few things that we taught Dawn when she started talking, was answering to the question of “What is your name?”.  This is usually a common question that others will ask a little girl and my feel is how can my little girl doesn’t know how to answer that question?  By able to recognise and know how to answer a “name” question should help boost kid’s confidence, at least that’s what I strongly feel.  Now at 2 and a half years, she can answer the question in both Mandarin and English.

Me : 你叫什么名?

Dawn : 佳萱!

Me : 你今年几岁?

Dawn : 两岁半!

Me : What is your name?

Dawn : Dawn (Dawn)!

Me : How old are you?

Dawn : Two!

The reason why Dawn still says “Two” in English instead of “Two and a half” because it’s too mouthful for her.  She started mumbling “Three and a half” instead, which I think is a no-no incase the restaruants start charging me for her buffet price! :p