Happy Birthday…

….. to me!

Had a day off with compliments from my company (Birthday Leave).  Dear took leave to accompany me.  To us, birthdays are not about presents but the company of each other.  It was really a pity and a regret for me that I had to work on his birthday this year because I had just returned to work after my maternity leave.

He didn’t want to tell me what’s the agenda for the day.  5 days before the actual day, he smsed me and  said that I wasn’t allow to make any plans; he will do the planning and I will do the lazing… it’s a teaser and I kept wondering where he will bring me to.  Tried to get something out from his mouth but it’s so tight that I got nothing out. ><;

And guess what? I finally had a romantic time with him @ Dempsey Hill.  He drove us to jones the grocer for breakfast at 9am+!


My pretty white flat! Should tell them that’s its my birthday and ask them to draw a birthday cake or something…


His pot of tea…which later became our pot of diluted tea…:D


We ordered 2 set of English Breakfast…and he asked for poached eggs..


And me? Sunny Side Ups!


The bread is super nice! Nicely toasted and when it’s spread with butter, it’s heavenly!  Oh, the breakfast set include the button mushrooms, toasted tomato, bacon, sausages, the eggs and 2 pieces of toasts.


It was a hearty breakfast indeed! And that’s our early breakfast and lunch.  We continued to enjoy the wet morning (It was raining heavily & we were seated @ the non-air-conditioned table), sipping the coffee & tea and reading the newspapers, books & magazines. We bought a bag full of my magazines and he bought a book.  I finally had time to read the magazines which I brought from Hong Kong!

After nua-ing the whole morning away in jones the grocer, dear drove to another of our favourite cafe – The book cafe.  We order some chips and tea and continue with our reading..


My pot of chamomile tea…


His pot of lemongrass with ginger tea…this is refreshing and different!


The book cafe has a kids corner which has a low shelf of books and toys.


When I took this photo, I was told that I can’t take photo…bleah!  Was thinking not even to mention about book cafe here since they are so strict with the photo-taking.  Maybe they had earned enough from their loyal customers and hence do not need any more free advertising -.-

Dear drove to Clarke Quay and we went to Hooters for some tea time. I wanted to have some chicken wings, and both of us totally forgot about IKEA!


Anyway, had a great view at the outdoor seats of Hooters.  Had always wanted to enjoy a relaxing afternoon at the quay side and it finally came to pass.



Huge Ketchup & kitchen paper roll @ the table


The mild favor chicken wings – has a pinch of cheesy taste in the marinate.  But the meat is a-bit too hard instead of juicy ones like IKEA & Ice Cold beer…

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My day started with 2 birthday kisses from Dear & Dawn…I thought that was the best present that I have for the birthday.  We were home early and wanted to go to fetch Dawn from childcare.  But my father-in-law hinted that he will fetch her instead.  Silly me didn’t get the hints and kind of insisted to fetch her….and he had to tell me that Dawn had made an appointment with him after school.

The night before, I had asked Dawn about my present.  Dawn said that she can’t because she has school on my birthday.  And the next moment, she exclaimed, “Daddy, how? Mommy’s present?”  It was quite a cute and immediate “panic” from the little girl and I can’t help but to giggle.

Earlier in the morning, I had asked Dawn where’s my present again and told her that she will give me my present after school.  I guess she must had asked my father-in-law the “how” question and my father-in-law told her to draw a cake in school and passed it to me. My bright little girl then said to my father-in-law, “Aiya, no need la, buy from the cake shop lo!” And that’s how the appointment was made.  My father-in-law was supposed to bring her to buy cake for me after school!

And here’s my pink cake from my little girl…it’s really paid by her because she took out the money from her piggy bank and return to “YeYe”!


And of ‘cos, birthday are not birthday without the song and Dawn sang the English and Chinese version for me before we eat the cake together. 🙂


Thank you my 2 darlings, for giving me a wonderful birthday!

Singapore’s Birthday

My little Eva borrowed Jie Jie’s flag and wanted to wish Singapore Happy Birthday!


We used to be able to watch part of the fireworks show from the corridors of our house but it’s a pity we can’t this year.  Looks like the placing of the fireworks has changed after MBS is developed . Sad 🙁

The helicopters which carried the big flag had also changed their flying route 🙁

This was the only thing that we can see, and hear.. and Eva was crying after they flew past…


Hong Kong : Airport Express & Novotel Nathan Road Kowloon

Knowing that we can redeem the free night stay and enjoy member’s rate, we bought the Accor membership.  This is not our first time buying the membership and we did quite like the affordability of the membership.

I booked the rooms via their website. Very easy to navigate website! The rooms were more expensive nearer the staying dates and I was really glad that I booked the hotel more than a month before our travel dates. The amount was almost doubled when I checked the rates a few days before our travel dates (I paid less than $500 for 3 nights but it was showing at more than $1K)!

When we reached the Hong Kong Airport, we followed the signs to the Airport Express (after walking to and fro as some who we met on the way told us that it’s easier to take Bus A21 to our hotel).  We bought the Tourist ticket from the station customer service and the travel pass consist of 2 trips of Airport Express and 3 consecutive days of unlimited MTR rides (plus some good discount coupons for Disneyland and Ocean Park!).


Ok, basically to get to Novotel Nathan Road Kowloon, you can chose the following method :

  1. Take the Airport Express Train to Kowloon Station and take free shuttle bus (K1) to the hotel, by stopping at Eaton Hotel Hong Kong and walk about 2-5 mins depending on speed.
  2. Take bus no. A21 from the airport bus terminal to Jordan area, alight at bus stop no. 10 on Nathan Road, walk along Nathan Road one block and turn into Saigon Street. 

If you want to chose Option 2, remember to buy the Octopus card from inside the Airport terminal before walking to the bus bay.  If not you can chose to purchase a one-off ticket from the counter at the bus bay.

For Option 1, just buy the card from the self service machines or from the customer service counter at the station if you want to buy the tourist special card like the picture shown above.

Something interesting in the train was the indicator on the distance and it’s very clear to everyone which is the next station. Cool!


Inside the Airport Express train, there are no designated seat as compared to Japan…


Once you reach the station, there will be clear English signs to lead you to take the free shuttle bus, or rather van.  It’s a mini van to be exact. There’s also clear route information inside the van.


And TV display! You can’t miss your drop off location! And there’s an area for tourists to place their luggage.


As it’s the fifth stop, I did personally felt that the van went round and round…it will be faster to take a cab 😡

We nearly got lost because I thought that it’s easy to navigate to the hotel and hence did not do too much research beforehand.  Wrong step for me, especially lugging with luggage and a child.  So here’s the detail direction if you intend to take airport express and K1 bus to Novotel Nathan Road.

hotel directions

Source : Google Maps

And we finally reached the hotel entrance.  The first counter is the concierge.


For check-in, you will need to take an escalator up to the other level. And what greets you will be a big open lobby which has the front desk, a bar (Tasca Bar),  imac-s, a tourist counter and a kids’ corner!



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Dawn @ the kids corner, under my watchful eyes!



We were “escorted” up to the premier floor to do our check-in. While Dear was settling all the paperwork, I was busy exploring their lounge and taking photos 😡


A quiet and private place to have breakfast and cocktails :


A small conference room for use:


2 imacs for Premier guests to use :


And guess what? They have this stuck to their imacs to ask guests to review them!


The premier floor guests can enjoy complimentary breakfast, afternoon tea and cocktails at the lounge, free use of internet in the room, free local calls, and if you want to have a full breakfast, you can dine at the Square @ Level 1 too.

We had most of our breakfast at the premier floor, mainly because we liked quiet place and also the convenience.  They served a decent spread which was enough for a good breakfast for us.  The coffee was great too! The only not-so-good was that the spread was the same every day.



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We didn’t get to enjoy their afternoon tea because we were out most of the days in the afternoon.  But I managed to get some photos taken on our first day there when Dawn was having a nap in the room.




Yes, the canned drinks were free to take and it was a god-sent on one of the very hot evening where we were so tired and de-hydrated after a day out.

I didn’t manage to take pictures of their cocktail session because most of the sessions were packed with hotel guests.  There were a variety of wine, beer and liquor to chose from and we managed to enjoy one short beer session…in our own room (because it’s too noisy in the lounge and it’s not a place where Dawn should go at that time).

This is our room with a free rollaway bed for Dawn.  Look at Dawn! She had already snored her way to the ZZZ land by the time I took these photos.


The TV with a table and a bench to put our bags.


A small “panty” area with a window view to the bathroom (*wink*) 😀  Dawn discovered this window shortly after and we had to close the blinds because she kept peeping and laughing.  It’s amazing that such things amazed a kid so much! HAHA!


One thing I like this hotel is the way they utilised space.  Under the pantry top, there’s a pull out drawer to reveal the cups and the complimentary coffee and tea bags. And…condoms..this is the first time I see this in a hotel’s mini-bar item!  In additional, there’s an universal adaptor free for use! How thoughtful!


Here’s the closet which has the safe, iron etc.


And the door to the closet is also the door to the bathroom! Brilliant!


A well-lit bathroom.  Told Dear that I must have such well-lit bathroom for our house!


Look at how they display the towels…you will not forget that you are staying in Novotel.


A sign about their water, but they also provide complimentary bottled water.


And a well-stocked bathroom…and they are one hotel that never fail to stock up even if our opened bottles were still at the shower area but still enough for the next day use.


They also pride themselves with their pillow ala-carte menu…We didn’t try because the pillows on the bed were already very comfortable for us.


We had a good stay in the hotel.  But it was a pity that the hotel’s restaurant did not serve good dim-sum for their breakfast.  It’s kind of strange that being in Hong Kong where it’s famous for Dim Sum, the hotel’s standard is way below those instant-packed (frozen) dim sum that I can find in our local supermarket.

Oh, one thing to also take note if you want to stay in this hotel – there is no lock for the bathroom door (as at July 2011) in the room. 🙂

DOME @ Dempsey Hill

Had been bugging hubby to bring me to Dempsey Hill for meals…supposed-ly to be a romantic and filled with night life place.

He finally brought me, but with Dawn, so it’s not a romantic dinner but a family dinner 😀  The suggested place was DOME @ Dempsey Hill.

We reached at about 830pm + and it’s still filled with dinner crowd.  We walked in to find our own seats as no one served us for a moment.  The staff were all dashing here and there and it really seem to be a very busy evening for them.

Though busy, the staff were still having their smiles and attentive to our needs when we asked to have our orders taken. The drinks were served quickly and Dawn has a special take-away plastic cup for her warm water! This somehow makes me happy because you will not see such gesture in other place. Can you imagine that my heart always go beating faster every time Dawn picks up a glass to drink water in the various restaurants?


My Chamomile tea – which I hope that it calm me down and give me a better sleep …


The starter : Calamari~


Dear’s fish and chips, to be shared with Dawn.


My pasta!


Pretty decent food!

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Night Scene

Tell me, who has the chance to see this every weekend?

I think it’s a privilege, well, it’s the small little things that makes me happy as it has an association that the weekend is here…


(pardon for the blue light reflection…it’s the car’s blue LED) 😀

Birthday @ The Paramount

As we were away to HK during my father-in-law’s birthday, we had an early celebration @ The Paramount. This is the a-la-carte lunch buffet.


We started with those items which they limit in quantity…

(pardon me for the pinkish photos, not sure what happened to my camera!)

The Beijing Roasted Duck (limit to 2 slices per person) :


Mini Buddha Jumps Over the Wall (limit to 1 serving per person) :


Live Prawns (Limit to 100g per person – can chose to different way of cooking) :


There are quite a number of items on the menu, and they are all not too bad.















Special mention is the dessert portion.. They have 7 choices and we ordered the :

Ice cream puff..


With chocolate ice-cream!


And Dawn likes it!


We also ordered the Herbal Jelly…


The Honeydew Sago…


And almond beancurd with longan ……


The Desserts are all great! Best of all, they are served in a single small portion, which makes it possible to still try a few types of dessert after a very full lunch!

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Ma Maison

It’s been quite some time since we went to Ma Maison.  We had went to the one @ Bugis & Central bef0re.  And it was a pleasant surprise to find a new branch at Millenia Walk. It’s also a plus point because Millenia Walk has a promotion of free parking for shoppers who spend $50 and above.

Very pretty entrance! This branch is more spacious and personally do prefer this branch than the one in Bugis.



Eva was also excited in the restaurant 😀


Dawn waiting for the food!


Assorted franks, NICE! Dawn loves this!


My creamy mushroom omelette rice.  First time trying this and I fell in love at once! And it’s Dawn’s favourite too!


See Dawn with the thumbs up!


Dear order the beef omelette rice, but forgot to take photo as was feeding Eva..

In this restaurant, they have this promotion where there’s free treats for family who dines there.  A free beer for Daddy, A free dessert for mummy, and free toys for the kids! How good is that!

As Dear drove that day, so he chose the coke rather than the beer.  As for me, you can guess who ate  my dessert…


See the happy girl!


Ice Cream & Toy!


Nothing for Eva but she enjoyed her nap after her milk and gave us some peace for our dinner 😀