
Wow, I realised that I had been watching quite alot of movies movie every week! It’s nice to be out once a while, free from the bawling and cries. Mummy needs a break too, you know?

Recent movies watched :

1) Ghostrider
2) The pursuit of Happiness
3) Letters of Iwo Jima
4) 300

Best show? I guess it should be 300. Letters of Iwo Jima was too brutal…silly me cried when the Japanese committed suicide by bombing themselves. Haiz, always cry for war shows. It’s just plain sad. I wish I never have to go through any kind of war. War between human is so cruel. Fighting for survival by splashing blood. Yucks!

The Pursuit of Happiness has lessons to learn from it.

There’s nothing worth mentioning about Ghostrider. Maybe it should be GhostLousyrider! 😀

Rainbow Connection

LH knows that I love rainbows while talking to me via MSN..and he found this for me. What a sweet friend !


“The Rainbow Connection”
written by Kenny Ascher and Paul Williams

Kermit: Why are there so many songs about rainbows
And what’s on the other side?
Rainbows are visions, but only illusions,
And rainbows have nothing to hide.
So we’ve been told and some choose to believe it
I know they’re wrong, wait and see.
Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection,
The lovers, the dreamers and me.Who said that every wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star?
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it,
And look what it’s done so far.
What’s so amazing that keeps us stargazing
And what do we think we might see?
Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection,
The lovers, the dreamers, and me.

All of us under its spell,
We know that it’s probably magic…

… Have you been half asleep? And have you heard voices?
I’ve heard them calling my name.
… Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?
The voice might be one and the same
I’ve heard it too many times to ignore it
It’s something that I’m s’posed to be…
Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection,
The lovers, the dreamers, and me.

Laa, da daa dee da daa daa,
La laa la la laa dee daa doo…
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What’s life?

What’s life? Someone asked me.

My reply:

Life is accepting the things that you can’t change,

treasuring the times that bring you smiles,

getting upset with things that hurt you,

and getting happy with things that you love.

Simply put, life is your time on earth,

it comprises of all emotions but you can decide to have more time

spent on being happy than to be sad,

peace than to be angry

and enjoying being with people who can bring you smiles.

This entry was posted in Musings.

The Beginning of her life outside the womb

Back from the hospital..I felt that half of my strength is gone. Didn’t know or expect that giving birth is this straining. No wonder for the strict confinement rules.

Here’s my labour story.

10~11pm – My brother-in-law and sister came and pick me up to go Mt A. My parents wanted to come along too. Decided that I should have my fill of Fillet-O-fish 1st! 😀

12am – Reach Mt A, was shoo-ed to the delivery ward without registering. Gynae was there! Heng ah! I felt more assured if he is the one doing the induction than the nurses here. Nurses are ROUGH!

1230am – Changed out of my clothes. Gynae inserted the induction pill. Was told not to get out of bed in the next one hour

130am – Cannot take it, must go pee. Haiz.

Tick Tock Tick Tock, the clock is so loud that I couldn’t sleep at all

2am+ – Contractions getting worst…

5am + -The contractions is killing me! The backaches that comes with the contraction is terrible. It’s like a hammer breaking my bones! Spare me!

6am – Nurse came and check my dilation. 1.5cm, ONLY! OMG! And she is damn rough can?! 

7am+ – Had my breakfast of 1 miserable slice of bread and a cup of milo. How to fill my stomach?

Cannot tahan the contraction already. I NEED EPIDURAL!

8am+ -Epidural administered. Finally! Instant pain-free! The administering is painless too.

9am+ – Another nurse came and check my dilation. No feeling..Epidural wan shui! But I am only 3cm dilated. OMG, when is this going to end? Gynae came in and break my waterbag.

Gynae said I will most likely be delivering Dawn at around 4-5pm. I was like HUH?! can be faster or not? I am damn hungry lor.

12pm+ – 8 cm dilated! Nurse said I can start pushing at 1pm+ They are calling my Gynae to inform him.

130pm – The midwives and nurse positioned me and ask me to start pushing. How to push? I don’t know whether I am pushing the right way. Should be lah. 

215pm – Gynae came, and I am still trying hard to push. I am out of strength. I felt dizzy. I felt like giving up. Everything is spinning around me.

245pm – Asked Gynae to assist me using vacuum. I really tried my best. 1 hr 15mins of pushing is draining away all my energy.

250pm – I felt like puking.

252pm – Puke 4 times, Dawn is out.

The moment Dawn is out, Gynae placed her on my chest. I teared. She is such a darling. Someone who encouraged me by kicking me when I was feeling down. Someone who despite all unfavorable condition remains strong. Someone who is determined to live.

After I settled down at around 4pm+, I was left alone in the ward to rest. I smsed some of my friends about Dawn’s appearance. And these friends came down to visit me immediately on that very same day. They are such a lovable bunch of people! 🙂

It’s time

Went to the Gynae again. Mom went with me as she’s worried that I will be admitted straight away. ..told her otherwise, but she was still very concerned.

CTG checked that my contractions are not that regular. Cervix still not open (aiyo!). And the most crucial, my water level drop again! Gynae said I must be induced today or tomorrow. Looks like I have no other choices. At least I should be thankful that I still can walk in to the hospital smiling, and not panic over sudden contractions.

So here am I, back at home, packing up all my stuff to bring to the hospital. After today, I won’t be alone in the room anymore. I have a life to take care for the next 21 years at least. Not sure how my delivery process will be…hope I am strong.

Will be reaching Mt A after 12am (21 Jan), still have a few hours more..

My friends were excited for me! Rine and Na had been sms-ing me.

It’s scary to just think about the “What” inside the delivery ward….


Dawn’s EDD (Estimate date of delivery) is 20 Jan 07.

Thought today will be my last consultation with my gynae.

Gynae told me that my water level is dropping. Worst, my cervix is not opened, which means I won’t give birth any time now. He wants me to check myself into the hospital and have an induction. I scare leh..

Checked with Gynae on the risks if I hold on to the induction till further date…he said by Saturday if there are no signs of delivery, I MUST be induced.

Dawn ah Dawn…guai guai okie?