
It’s been Loooooooooooonggggg since i Blog…I wonder, are there really people reading me? And actually bother about what had happened to me?

Well, well….work and more work..never ending..

But managed to catch Ocean 13 & Fantastic 4. I can’t imagine I had actually missed Part 1 of Fantastic 4! I rented the DVD and watched it before the Part 2.Luckily I did, if not I wouldn’t understand part of the story!

I do hope H likes the birthday presents that I gave. =)

She done it!

It’s been some time since I last blogged.

Dawn “survived” through her 2nd major injection without a fever running…tough girl she is and going to be =)

Wow, she’s coming 5 mths now…now is 6.5 cm and 5.5kg. And, she finally does her flip on 1st June! That is, turning herself from her back to her tummy.

I realised that it’s becoming a headache once she knows how to do her flip. I am having sleepless nights! Constantly worried that she will flip by herself and knock her already-flat nose on the bed. My panda eyes are so visible and I need strong coffee in the morning so that I can concentrate working.

I managed to watch Shrek 3. It’s sooooooo funny! It’s a great relaxer and a joy to watch Shrek 3….

So…what had I been busy with lately that could take me out of MSN and blogging? Eh…gaming..what else…haha! Been trying Granado Espada since its on free open beta now. So far so good.. Will post more if I have some nice screenshots!

It’s movies again!


After a few weeks with no good movies (after Spiderman I mean), finally the spell is broken.

Hee-Haw! Pirates of the Carribean! It’s a nearly 3 hours show…so I decided to go Vivo Grand to pamper myself. ^_^v

Of course, the show doesn’t seems like a 3 hours show, because the sofa is just too comfy. No backaches! Coolz!

Went for another movie next; normal cinema seats, that is. Hiya, the show was alittle anti-climax at the end…everyone in the cinema were saying “chey!” LOL!

Yeah! more movies to catch these coming weeks…Shrek 3 & Ocean 13 & Fantastic 4! And Harry Porter!

I am a happy girl!








Crab Feast

Crabs Crabs Crabs!It’s been more than a year since I ate crabs! I want my crabs!

And finally, met up with the gang to have a crab feast. So many places to chose from, decided to try the one in Ang Mo Kio.

We tried the 4 types of crabs – Chilli, black pepper, butter and crab bee hoon. Yum Yum!


The butter crab and the crab bee hoon is very good! Oh my, the butter gravy is so thick and nice; the soup from the crab been hoon is so tasty!

However, was quite disappointed with the chilli and black pepper crab though..I had tried better ones at other places.

So, if you fancy or crave for some butter crab or crab bee hoon, AMK is a good choice. But go early. We were there at 5pm, no queue. But queue starts forming at 5pm+ and gets longer. Our food also were served fast. 🙂Address :

232 Ang Mo Kio Ave 3 #01-1222

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I wonder,

Why do people all look so stern and expression-less on the streets, in mrts, in bus etc?

Why is it so difficult to flash a smile when 2 pair of eyes meet?

I am gulity of that too.

It’s really the culture of the asians. Most of the whites will smile or return a smile to strangers. Why can’t we asians do the same? Are our smiles so different?

I do have my reserves, of cos. What if I smile, and the guy thought that I am interested in him? What if I smile, and the lady thought I am siao? What if I smile, and there’s actually a piece of vegetable stuck at my teeth? What if…. if… many ifs!

Smiles can brighten someone’s day. Pass it on. Pass it on. Smile =)


Do you think that distance will make the heart fonder? Does not having to see each other frequently makes the hearts grow more love?

It doesn’t work for me. I need communication, I need to see, I need touch, and these will make my heart grow more love. Distance will only make me lose trust, lose confidence and enter into a state of denial. I will end up chosing to forgo and build a wall around so as to protect myself from being hurt. Instead of growing love, the love leak, because my love tank is not filled. I will start wondering whether the other party has already slag in the relationship and started to take my presence for granted.

Am I weird? Maybe I am. But I live with the principle that I do not want to regret if unforeseen things happened…why can’t human just treasure the people around as much as they can, instead chose to have distance and wished that “if only you had seen him/her yesterday before he/she left this world”?

Funny issn’t? Some prefer distance, some prefer closeness.

Which moves your heart?