What will we do?

I was very disturbed with the recent news about the China Earthquake.  So much so that my eyes will be filled with tears whenever I read news about the dead and the survivors’ stories.

Many of the reports covered about the huge numbers of schools being destroyed during the quake.  And it really hurts me when I looked at the number of children being killed because of the collapsed schools. I mean, can you imagine the hurt that was brought to their living parents? Even if the parents were killed during the quake, will their souls rest peacefully? Were their last thoughts wondered around the fate of their own children?

As I felt the tremors last night at around 10-ish p.m., I started to wonder, what will we, Singaporeans, do if a earthquake strikes us? What will I do? What if the tremors last night was indeed a earthquake that had hit Singapore? And that the buildings start collapsing on me?

As I was lying on my bed, I thought of my immediate actions if there’s ever a quake happening.  Which table am I going to run to?  Will I be quick enough to carry Dawn in my arms and run to the nearest sturdy table to take cover? And what if we managed to survive the quake but was buried under the debris? Will Dawn have enough will to survive? What will I do for our survival? Will I drink my own urine?

Look, I am not being paranoid.  But have you not thought that we Singaporeans are living in too much a protected area? So much so that we are taking granted of our own bliss? Of course I am not wishing or hoping that Singapore will get a earthquake or some very bad natural disaster! But do Singaporeans know that we are indeed fortunate? I too sometimes am guilty of that with all the complaining (“how damn hot is the weather!”) 🙁

It must have been a frightening experience for the children and adults in China.  The battle to try and outrun the falling bricks, enduring the sight of nearby friends falling one by one, and own ears are filled with the sound of cries. I really cannot imagine any further.  And I really hope the survivors will be stong to build their lives again. Gambatte people!

When the kid is running a temperature

Because I was sick, my little one became sick too.  Oh well, we sleep together, how to avoid spreading the least bit of virus to her?

So poor Dawn started with a fever on Monday afternoon.  We brought her to the doctor and had to trick her into taking the medicine with her favourite biscuits.  However, her fever still went up and down through Tuesday.

On Wednesday one-ish morning, Dawn vomited in her sleep. It really threw me into a state of shock because that was the least expected.  And I am grateful that I got up in time to check on her instead of having her choked on her own vomit.  Despite the shock, I managed to clean her and the bed up, fed her medicine and pat her back to sleep.

Half an hour later, Dawn vomited again.  And I knew that something might be very wrong.  I had to ask my mom for help.  I felt really really bad to disturb my mom from her rest, but I was in my wits ends and was also afraid that something really bad has happened to Dawn.

We bought Dawn to KK Hospital. Despite her vomiting and temperature, she was still asked to wait for almost 2 hours before the doctor attended to her.  My Goodness, I really cannot understand why A&E in hospitals need to wait for so long?  And trust me, the number of patients during our visit was not alot, but we just cannot understand the long wait.

Furthermore, despite having to pay the consultation fee of $75, I have to do the sponging myself,  feed Dawn glucose water myself and monitor her myself.  And I wasn’t even given a satisfied answer as to why Dawn is having a fever. And they are dealing with the “possible dehydration” issue when the doctor herself told me that there’s no dehydration because Dawn is having very wet eyes. What’s all these about??

Fortunately, Dawn’s fever started to subside.  But because I was still very worried about her vomiting in her sleep, I ended up waking every hour on Wednesday night.  I guess that’s how most moms will feel, issn’t?

Through all these, I learnt from my mom that when babies are running a fever, it’s best that they stop their solid food because their digestive system might not be functioning 100%.  If kids vomit, it’s better to keep feeding them clear liquid so as to keep them hydrated.  In this case, milk is to be avoided till the kid shows no more sign of vomiting.

Deadly Virus

The deadly virus is everywhere.

I described it as deadly because I felt so “energy-less” for the past few weeks because of this virus in me.  The cough the doesn’t seem to go away.  The blocked nose that doesn’t seem to start breathing.  The air-congested ears that didn’t allow me to hear anything.

The asthma pills left me with trembling hands.  The cough syrup left me drowsy.  The flu tablets left me thinking whether I am still alive.  That’s how bad it was.

It’s really a sucky feeling to be sick. 🙁

New Layout!

I have decided to change my blog to here after much consideration.

To all who had came over from the blogspot, a very warm welcome! Do remember to update your bookmark! 🙂

So, how’s my new layout? Comments?  Still in the midst of adding and changing some stuff, so please be patient with me. Alright?!

Quad processor 2.0 Ghz

I don’t know what gets into me.

My mind is so filled with many things.

Every minute, every second.

One moment I am thinking of my work, the next I am thinking of how to build my potential business. And then my mind start wandering to both my dear and little Dawn. There seeems like million of things to do, and my mind is processing at the speed of probably 2.0 Ghz with a quad processor. Heh.

I had many things to blog about, but when it comes to the actual writing, I seem to experience a sudden drought of words. Porbably the quad processor could not function after too much processing throughout the day.

Alright, let’s see when I can end the drought. I try my best to put my thoughts in one by one after this. 😀

Dawn @ Play!

I finally found a way to rotate videos! I had took a number of videos using my mobile but because I can never figure out how to take videos in the right angle, I ended up with upside-down videos.
I was amused with how Dawn can be so entertained by just a pillow…

Cute issn’t?

I am so sleepy!

Dawn’s sleeping pattern took a big change lately. I still have no clues to why, except to think that she is nearing the age of taking lesser naps. She used to take her morning nap between 10:30am – 12:00pm and her afternoon nap between 3:30pm – 5:00pm. Now, she bearly sleeps for 2 hours for the whole day. Sometimes it is only 10 minutes during the afternoon nap. Can someone enlighten me? I am still an inexperienced mum!

Was out on Saturday with Dear & Dawn at Vivo City and was extremely thrilled that Dawn fell asleep at 4 pm when we were shopping. We took the opportunity to sit in our favourite cafe in Vivo and had our coffee. Really enjoy such peaceful moment and that we can spend time catching up with each other.It’s about 5:25pm when we thought that the nap time is sufficient for Dawn and we woke her up gently. However….watch the video!

After I stopped my recording, Dawn went back to do her doze-off motion again… What a sleepy day for Dawn.

That Favourite Cafe

Dear & I would always end up in this particular cafe if we ever wanted to nua or have a cup of coffee when we are in Vivo City.

The sofa is just so comfortable that I always find myself behaving as if I am at home.

Have a nice latte shake or ice coffee, top up with the desserts, armed with some magazines, the place is perfect to pass that lazy afternoon…

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