
It was hard to make this decision to leave.  But when the act of giving the letter was done, everything seems easy enough.

I do still have feelings for this place.  Afterall, I had been there for 8.5 years. Not very very long, but it’s not short either.  That place saw me through my studies, bad economy where retrenched news were heard every now and then, my happy and heartbreaking times, my pregnancy and the growing moments of baby Dawn.

Well, I am looking forward to my new challenges.  Though every workplace has their pros and cons, I am quietly hoping that I can fit into the new place and job fast.

So, some memories of my little comfort area in that old place…




My workstation.  The very 1st owner of this space, the pc, the phone and everything else! Saw Dawn’s picture? Those cutie photos perks me up when I was frustrated with the work.  She’s my little motivator ‘cos i need the money for her milk! haha!


↑ The little cosy pantry area in the training centre.


↑ I am going to miss these vending machines!



↑ Look at the biscuits/bread in the vending machine! Just nice for that little tea break.


↑ This is where my coffee was served every morning.

I bought some parting gifts for my colleagues.  Though they are simple gifts, I spent like 1 hour outside the store with Dear and Dawn, trying to pick out the gifts for 19 of them. Spent a few hours to stick the names, the personal notes and the magnets.  Dawn chipped in her help too, but most of the time she tried to peel out those stickers which I had already pasted properly.


↑ The front.


↑ The back.

I was worried that I will cry on my last day, you know those kind of feelings that you packed your once-messy table to a clean one?  Dear smsed me near to 5:30pm and told me to be bold. And I am glad I am.  🙂

Bonbon Tea

Boooo 🙁 The favourite cafe which both dear and me adored has closed down.

We went to try out Bonbon Tea the other day when we finally had the luxury of time. Not very impressed because the Tiramisu was not up to our standard.  The coffee and tea were OK.  Nothing in that place caught our eye which made us want to go there again.



↑ But I do like this cute teapot.


↑ Seldom will get to use sugar cubes nowadays.


↑ Disappointing Tiramisu

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Nongsa Village @ Batam : 28-30 Sep 2008

Wah! Finally can post this! I had been encountering network issue these few days andI am at the verge of changing my hostingserver.  It’s super irritating when uploading a photo takes more than 3 mins and I cannot do a proper post.

Went for  a short getaway with Dear, Dawn, Ber and Jiji during the week where my parents went to Japan.  I had to take 1 week leave to take care of Dawn while my parents were away, so it’s nice that everyone is able to accommodate to these dates so that I do not have to take extra leave for this getaway.

There wasn’t very much information in the internet about Nongsa Village, but the few pages that we googled about had much praises for Nongsa.  With the very affordable price for the villa, we decided that it’s not too bad a choice.

It was a very laid-back holiday.  The place is perfect for a “nua-ing” holiday.  You can just stay in the villa to do nothing, but with lots of chips and TV.  Or, you can read a book or have a beer at the balcony which looks at the sea.  How nice right?! And a nice walk at the beach in the early morning is a refreshing start for the day.

It will be good if we had bought over more food to prepare ourselves.  And it’s a must to bring those mosquitoes coils or repellent.




↑ Our Villa, it is quite big right!  But I thought the entrance will face the sea, so that you can just open the door and walk down to the beach and sea. Instead, they have their entrance at the back, so that their balcony face the sea instead.  Not too bad too, ‘cos it’s nice to sit under the stars, drink a beer and enjoy the sea breeze at night.


↑ Our bedroom.  Quite spacious, but the beds are 2 single beds combined ..and very “squeaky”.  If I move alittle when sleeping, it will make such a loud squeak that I will be so worried that Dawn will wake up. And the aircon was very noisy most of the time ><;

Nongsa1 Nongsa11

↑ The kitchen and the dining room.  The kitchen is quite well equipped.  There’s a good medium-size fridge, rice cooker, microwave, oven and electric kettle. Numerous plates, bowls, utensils and cooking wares.  Hey, the plates and bowls were bought from Ikea leh!


↑ See the things on our table in the Kitchen! 😀


↑ The living room, aircon was spoilt but it was not too bad because the aircon in the dining room is working.  But I went with an expectation that the living room is ventilated by fans, because their website said so.  So it was quite a nice surprise that there’s aircon in the living and dining room.  The reception for the TV channels were very, it got worst during raining days. But better than no TV lor, so no complains…we still can watch the live telecast of the F1 race on Sunday!


↑ The balcony. But we didn’t have our beer here because I am scare of the insects flying around at night.  Got alot of beetles, mosquitoes, ants, big lizards and even bats! [shiver]


↑ The villa surroundings, our neighbours!






↑ The sea and the beach.  It’s a nice walk in the morning.  I thought we can build sand-castles but it started raining when we reached the villa on the 1st day. After that, we got lazy. ><;


↑ Dawn was thrilled with her bed.  I am really thankful that she is an easy young traveller.  She can sleep in the cot provided without fuss. 😀



↑ The Nasi Goreng for my dinner and the A&W for our lunch. The nasi goreng is quite nice la. And the A&W brought us back memories.  😀


↑ Our super supper cook.  His specialty : instant noodles. Smell very nice de hor! See how Ber cannot tahan when he refused to take supper on the 1st night! He ended up taking supper on the 2nd night! ↓


Nongsa30 Nongsa29

↑ Jiji keeping Dawn busy with mummy’s PSP. See how concentrated this future little gamer was? 😀


↑ Ber with Dawn. Can you see the mosquito bites on Dawn’s place? Quite bad 🙁

Vain Pot!

Dawn learnt the word “hat” for some time already. 

She was flipping one of her books and pointed to the hat in the book and tapped her own head.  So we put  one of her hats on her head to reinforce her learning experience.

Dawn ended up posing for the camera. :p




She can actually posed in such a position, with her hands nicely placed on her feet (I didn’t position her hands for her).  Vain right?! 😀

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Sleepy Dawn … again

How many of you remembered the video about how Dawn was so sleepy and nodding off to sleep?  The post can be found here.

We saw her doing the same thing again, but this time she “leveled up”! She was dozing off while sitting up .

Check this out!

P/S : It can be quite boring in the beginning of the video but I am lazy to edit the video bear with it :p

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Arnold’s Fried Chicken

Read many many entries about this Arnold’s Fried Chicken (City Plaza) and most had gave good reviews about the yummy fried chicken. We decided to check it out!

arnold1 arnold2

We ordered the meal which consist of 15 pieces of chicken, 5 drinks, 1 bowl of coleslaw, 1 bowl of whipped potato and 1 “packet” of fries.

Maybe it was the reviews which I had read and my expectations were set too high, I was rather disappointed with their fried chicken.  Or was there something wrong with the kitchen that day?  The chicken were tasteless (like not marinated meat), meat were too dry instead of juicy, and they are not at all crispy to me. Even though I agree that their chicken were not as oily as those in KFC, I still prefer KFC’s chicken 😡

However, the coleslaw in Arnold’s is so much better than those in KFC.  They are so finely chopped and they do not have the vege raw taste and smell, which the coleslaw in KFC has that.

And the meal that we ordered was way too expensive as compared to what we can get from KFC and the quantity for coleslaw, fries and whipped is too little to share among 5 people.  吃得不够爽啦!

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