The words of a 2 year old

Dawn was watching the 9pm chinese news programme with us and she pointed to the TV excitedly and repeated “Money! Money!”. It took me by surprise because I had only shown her Singapore notes but the ones that are shown on the TV is US notes. While I was still feeling puzzled, Dawn went on to surprise me by saying :

“Uncle .. work .. got .. money!”


I was keeping my clean bra back to the wardrobe when Dawn ran into the room.

She pointed to the bra and exclaimed :

“Nei Nei…….. Nei Nei!”

(nei nei means breasts in local dialect)


Back Home…

I am home!  Though I still wish that I can stay in Japan longer…nearly wanted to ship Dawn over instead and we can stay there for like a few months.

Photos are up in facebook catergorized by days…will blog more about the trip when I can find time :p

Went for lunch at a nice place on Saturday – Durty Nellys!

We missed their beer battered fish and chips and had been wanted to eat that before our holiday but didn’t manage to.


Cool drinks to cool down the day… we missed Japan’s weather! It’s too humid here!


Here comes the fish!





And the bacon sausage!


Dawn is enjoying her meal.


What’s not complete for a lazy afternoon? Kopi!


Dawn trying hard to entertain herself as both of us were drinking the coffee…



Yes, feeling very miserable now.

I am having Hives outbreak since Tuesday Night.  It’s super itchy, ugly and swollen. Had to return to the doc to take the jab today.  It was so painful taking the jab because my skin is already very sensitive to touch.

Doctor cannot determine the exact reason for this hives attack, which is usually the case because hives can be a result of many factors.  But he told me the my stress level, the contact to dusts due to site visit which I went on Tuesday afternoon could be the reason for this attack.

It’s all not worth it lo!  Have to work so hard to get the bread and butter, now still have to suffer because I wanted to be responsible in my work.  🙁

Took some photos of the ugly hives..these are only part of the hives, imagine the whole body are full of these 🙁





Not forgotten….

No..I have not forgotten this place..nor did I forget my favourite rainbow…

Saw this when I stepped out of Sheraton Hotel after an event one day..I was exclaiming like a little child …

Not bad, my lousy camera on my mobile can still capture the rainbow!
