It’s the Jubilee Weekend here in Singapore! There are many activities around Singapore, some of them free and the rest with discounted prices.
We have 4 no-work & no-school (Friday to Monday) days. Initially I wanted to bring the kids to enjoy the free Science Centre /Snow City / Omni Theatre experience but we abandoned the idea as we reckon that it will be a day of queues. Instead, we enjoyed the holidays with a visit to Singapore Sports Hub and plenty of home-cooked food from my mother & in-laws.
We brought my parents to Singapore Sports Hub on Saturday. It’s a transformation from the old National Stadium which I think my parents will want to see and be there. Coincidentally there was a carnival by OCBC and we participated in some of old-school games there.
My dad triumphed the gasing game and from his smile when he threw the top down, I felt that he had re-lived his childhood once again. After that, my dad taught Dawn about the “go-li” game and Dawn tried the game together with him.
It’s always great to see the kids smiling and happy, and they are contented with their “sword” balloons which they queued up together and waited for it.
We took a walk along Kallang Basin and the scenic is beautiful! I guess it is a popular place for couples & families to come by in the night too.
We took a family photo with the National Stadium behind us.
We woke up early on National Day 09 August and watched the recorded Proclamation on TV.
We had also received the Proclamation of Independence Card in our household Fun Pack. I wanted to include this here so that the girls will remember about this one day when they read my musings. 有国才有家!
I was greeted with breakfast prepared by BZDaddy. Thumbs up for someone who seldom cooks!
That pretty much sums up our long weekend. I used the opportunity to rest and “nua” as much as I can. It’s a holiday that we rested and spent time with our family and love ones.
I went to Daiso and pick up this little case to house the Singa that was given in the Household Fun Pack. I had 3 because my parents and my in-laws passed us theirs. I housed them together with the Disney figurines as I didn’t want to buy an extra case. Do they look weird together?