Christmas day

Had an enjoyable christmas lunch at my sis’s place.  It’s such a nice feeling to have 8 of us plus little Dawn around the table.  I realised I enjoy this more than anything else.  It’s just amazing to have lots of conversation, warmth and food all at the same time.

Forgot to bring my camera to take the spread which sis had prepared for us. ><;

Dawn was busy posing for the camera with my elder sis on this warm christmas day.

Train Train

Bought a Christmas cum birthday gift for Dawn – Thomas and friends train track!

I seldom shower Dawn with nice expensive gifts because I do not believe that a child should always get new and expensive stuff to play with.  I also do not like to educate my girl that birthdays or Christmas must come with presents because that will set the wrong expectations for a kid.

I made Dawn waited for 2 days to open this present too :p

I am not that perfect mum, but I can only try my best to let my girl learn the good manners that most kids lack of nowadays.

Anyway, here’s the choo choo train! Quite interesting! Dear spent half an hour to fix this up for Dawn!




This is one of my most enjoyable dinner with Dear.  The food is so good! Even though it was a very expensive dinner, we both will love to go back there again.

We went to the Gyu-Kaku @ Chijmes.  The restaurant is at a corner instead of in the open where most restaurants in Chijmes gathered.  But it was a nice little corner.  We were fortunate to get a table because we did not make any reservation.

We ordered the set for 2, which had a plate of meat, rice, salad and dessert.  Dear ordered a bottle of Japanese wine. Everything was just superb.  The waiter and waitress there were also very attentive; they changed the wire gauze frequently.

The pictures do not give justice to how good the food were, because it was taken with my mobile.  Under the dim lighting, these were the best that I took.









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The Year of Knowing

…… you.

When I was worried that we will have nothing to talk about in days to come, you said you will fill in the gap.

For those times when I thought that I had offered too much suggestions or opinions and was unsure whether you find me a nag, you said that my opinions and understanding has always mattered to you.

And that particular moment when I was afraid that I will go to hell instead of heaven, you told me not to worry, as you will be there with me.

When my smses to you seems to be crying for help and in distress, you called immediately to help me get past those confused emotions.

You chased after the little girl on our Sat and gave me those pockets of rest time, when you were also tired because of the hectic schedules of work and school through the week.

You said you need to buy a new phone for me when a couple of smses between us never reach each other.

Many more words, many more things, many more moments. It’s the year of knowing you that brightens me.  Countless of msn history (Yes i have them!), loads of smses and lots of late night calls. Promise me, lets keep communicating, till the very last breath.


Nov the 10th.  The very special date. For your courage and my courage. And the very nice dinner. 😀

↓ Sakana, and the very nice dishes! Too bad I was not feeling very well, and didn’t have my beer.  Started coughing when I stole a few sips of Dear’s beer. Bleah!





We am still here

We are still here..just that I am too caught up to have any time to post anything.

Adapting my new working environment, attending events and drivng lessons are taking much of my time now.  I didn’t have much time to enter the fantasy of warhammer lately too.

I have many things to post about, most of the time many of my little thoughts and felts, which I treasure the time where I can write them down. I just need to manage my time better!

Some pretty pictures of Dawn! She loves being the little red riding hood.  Haha!





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During one of the family dinner in July this year, Dawn had her first hands-on with Lego.  She seems to enjoy them very well, and she was 1.5 years old then.

Recently my parents went to Japan and bought a whole box of Lego for Dawn. And she loves playing with them!  Especially when building towers after towers with Grandpa and Papa.

Dawn at work :


Ouch! The flash light from the camera hurts!


Dawn’s first creation :


Dawn insisted to have the wheels at the top. That’s what they call kid’s creativity? hehe