Rice or Fish?

During our dinner @ Tampopo

Me : (Finished my dinner and looking at Dawn who was happily eating her rice with cod fish & Tofu)

Me : Dawn Dawn, Mummy wants fish, can you give me some fish?

Dawn : (Without hesitation, scooped up a spoonful of rice)

Me : No No, Mummy wants fish, not rice.

Dawn : (poured the rice back to the bowl and scooped up a piece of fish)

This was not surprising act from Dawn because she is willing to share and will share her things.  But what really surprise me is what she did after she scooped up the fish.




There were 3 grains of rice stuck to the fish which she scooped. And because I said I do not want rice…….

Dawn : (removed the 3 grains of rice one by one using her left fingers)

Me : (Amazed Look, exchanging looks with Dear who was also looking at Dawn)

Dawn : (Lift up the spoon which only contain that piece of fish and offer to me)



Heart melted

Having some fun

I know I am too quiet with my posts recently.  Too many things happening..I seem to have lost my urge to write. I still have lots which I felt and want to say, maybe because I had shared all that I have with Dear and thus lazy to write down anymore. :p

More photos of Dawn! This time is having her kind of fun.


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I was reminded by Dear that I had not post any photos of our Japan trip till now…I gave a sigh and wondered why am I slogging so hard for my work ever since I came back from holiday?

Anyway, I decided to post some pretty cherry bosom pictures because they are just so pretty to look at.

Pardon me for not writing much words here because I am worn out now and can hardly think to write a good sentence.








↑ I did not pluck any flowers to take this photo! They starting dropping on the ground when they still look so good! A pity 🙁

It’s Swimming time!

Dear suggested we bring Dawn to the swimming pool and off we go!

My sis bought a swimming costume for Dawn long long time ago and it was too big for her then.  When we tried it on Dawn again, it fits very nicely now!

↓ Dawn in her swimming costume


↓ Dear getting ready the float while Dawn supervised him…lol


↓ Dawn carrying the float when we were walking to the pool


As we went to the public pool, so we had to put all our belongings to the locker; as such no photos of Dawn in the pool.  As usual, she hates water down from head and she loves splashing water on Dear and me. And she will laugh heartily when she “invaded” us with the water successfully.

We had an interesting conversation when we walked home after the swimming session :

Me : Dawn Dawn, so do you want to go swimming again?

Dawn : I say No.

Me : Why No? Why Dawn Dawn say no?

Dawn : Scared.

Me & Dear : Why Scared?

Dawn : Scared Head.

Me : Oh, Dawn Dawn scared of the water running down the head? Next time ask papa to give Dawn warning about the water 1st ok?


Me : So do you still want to go swimming?

Dawn : Yesh..

Wow! She is starting to make conversation with us! 😀