Free Samples & Freebies For Parents

In May 2008, I shared in one of my posts on the freebies (such as diapers, milk powder) which parents can get in Singapore. I noticed that a lot of the readers were indeed interested to know where to get free samples for diapers and milk powder.  As such, I have decided to fix this as a permanent page so that it is easier for reference and I can easily add more or remove those links which expired.

Do share with me if you have others so that I can add them into this list!

I have also created another list for beauty & food free samples – do check it out too!

Last updated : 13 Dec 2022 

Disclaimer : This is a list which I compiled by my own effort.  I do not get any returns for linking to these sites. Please also request the freebies/samples via the sites or the methods as stated.  I do not give out any freebies/samples listed here. Some freebies has a “while stock last” or “valid till”, please always check the websites for more information and the terms and conditions.

Word of Caution : Please ensure that you read through the terms and conditions, or the consent on the use of personal data that you provide to these sites. As mentioned, I have no links to any of these sites and I compile this list for mommies’ research convenience. Please do read the conditions, before requesting for the samples, gifts etc.

Free Samples for Milk Powder

Updated 2021 – It seems that the companies can only provide free samples for babies 12 months and above now.

Abbott – Join the Abbott Family and you can get free samples of Similac, Gain, Grow, Pediasure, Isomil, Ensure milk powder.  From my past experience with my 2 girls (back in year 2010), they sent us a 400g tin of milk powder when the girls were 6 months old and 1 year old.   And I must say they are very prompt in this too 🙂

Dumex – You can get samples such as Dumex Mamil Gold Stage 3 or Dugro Stage 3. For pregnant ladies, you can get the Mamil Mama! 😀 You will need to sign up as a member.

Enfa – Here’s the Enfapro, Enfagrow & Enfakid or Enfamama milk powder. When I signed up as their club member the other time, they sent us a 400g tin of milk powder when my elder one was 6 months old. After which, they sent 2 packets of the 1-year-old milk powder.  But if I remember correctly, their membership has an expiry date.

Nestle –  Join Nestle Baby Club and request to be sent a NANPRO or NAN-HA when baby turns 6 months old! You can also request for Brow Rice/White Rice cereal samples. You can also get a “New Moms Bag” and/or “Weaning Bag” (while stock last!).

Friso – You can send in a “Free Sample Request” and they will contact you when they receive the request. Call them at 6419 8484 or email at

√ S26 (Wyeth) – You can get samples on their S26 series.

√ Karihome Goat’s Milk – You can get samples here, and Karihome Assorted Sweeties too!

√ Anmum – Specialised milk for pregnant women

√ Aptamil – Imported from New Zealand! Free Discovery Pack with 900g sample for Toddler Stage 3 or Junior Stage 4.

Einmilk – Made in Singapore! Sign up to get a 800g Milk Powder.

Bellamy’s Organic – Who doesn’t like organic for your little ones? Register interest now! Updated 2022 – currently not available

Nature One – Free Samples for different stages available!

Kendamil  – Free Toddler Milk and Infant Cereal samples available!

Free Samples for Diapers

Huggies – Register and request for samples.  You can request up to one sample per product per household.

Drypers – You can request for samples via their website now!

MamyPoko – You can also request for samples via their website now!

√ Merries – Request for Tapes or Pants samples!

√ Nepia– Email to – your address with contact number and Sample size.

Others (Baby Stuff)

Mummy’s Market – Chose between Bundle A or B

Say YES to parenthood – 2 gift packs to choose from! Hurry!

NLB Baby Gift Pack – Never too early for books! Super love this programme!

Baby Blisscard @South West – If you are staying in the South West District, get a free EZ-link card with $20 in stored value and other benefits!

Passion Baby Card – Special Edition PAssion Card for Singapore Citizen babies born in the year in 2016 to 2019. Application for the PAssion Baby Card will cease on 21 December 2022.

Baby Bonus – Cash Gift & Co-Savings

Cetaphil – They have baby products too!

NTUC Good Start Bundle – For babies born between 2016-2019

Welcome Gift Box – for pregnant mommies or new moms who have babies below 6 months old

√ Check out any on-going promotions for opening  ePOSBKids Account Online.

Sanitary Pads / Feminine Care

Laurier – Free samples from time to time



√ Tena

√ Adore

Activity Books (Soft Copy) for Children

Lorax Activity Book

Head over to Beauty Free Samples List here!


  1. Nuraishah Bte Sulaiman says:

    Hi I’m a new mum as I jst gave birth to my 1st child I was thinking that I wanted to let my son try a few brand of formula milk as he is drinking Mamil Gold for now and for diapers too so I can observe him which is suitable for him so I will get them.

  2. KAREN says:


    I’m giving birth to a baby boy this coming May 2015. Can I have some free samples of milk and diaper that we can try and see which one is suitable for him?


    • BZMOMMY says:

      Hi Karen, Congratulations! This is just a list of avenues which you can request for free samples. You can follow the instructions or to the website to request for the samples. 🙂

  3. marisol says:

    I tried registering as a member for samples on Abbot but unfortunately I was NOT able to figure out what to type on the section where it says “Unit number” what does that exactly refer to ? I live in Washington .

  4. Eliane says:

    Hi, i tried mummy poko website, however, it only shows malaysia website for free sample. Any idea for sg website?

  5. Ang Teng Chang says:

    Hi, I would like to get some diapers sample which I am planning to change for my baby girl which is 3mths old.

    • BZMOMMY says:

      Hi Teng Chang, if you are located in Singapore, you can follow the links which I had provided and requests for samples.

  6. Sharn Lim says:

    Hello bzmommy, thanks so much for taking the time to compile and share this list! i have 2 kids myself (younger one is 6 months old, hence looking around for milk powder samples) and it sure gets crazy busy!

    • BZMOMMY says:

      Hi Oshin, there will not be any “published” sites to get samples for stage 1 in Singapore. This is partly to promote breastfeeding for the first 6 months. However, you can check with your child’s PD/doctor.

  7. Sue says:

    Hello there BZMOMMY.
    I get super excited over freebies. This really is helpful; thanks for compiling it into 1 page. May you be blessed!

    • BZMOMMY says:

      Hi Sue, Me too! I am a freebies lover 😀 . I am glad that this list is helpful to you. Please feel free to share the page with your friends. 🙂

  8. Ariel says:

    Hi there! Thanks so much for this page.. I was trying to register for the goodie bag at cradle of love but they kept saying that the format of the date entered is incorrect, can you advise how did you put to sign up for this if you remembered? Thanks!

  9. HAINAN says:

    I’m giving birth to a baby boy this coming April 2017 .Can I have some free samples of milk and diaper that we can try and see which one is suitable for him?

    • BZMOMMY says:

      Hi Hainan, as mentioned in the post, I do not give out free samples. Please follow the links and the information to request for samples from the different brands.

  10. July says:

    Thanks for putting all this together! It really helps! But I have some difficulties to request the sample for GOO.N diapers. I can’t find the place to send the request in their website, or doest that mean they will directly send the sample once I register and add the address? A little confused…

    • BZMOMMY says:

      Hi July, glad that this is helpful for you! As for sample of Goo.N, they used to give a sample at the point of registration. It is also stated in one of their Banners at their homepage – look out for the blue Goo.N banner.

  11. Sandy says:

    Pls send me milk sample, my baby getting 18months , I would like give him start milk feeding,coz I need send him to child care, he still breastfeeding.

  12. Cheryl says:

    There’s a new locally produced baby formula that’s appeared in certain supermarkets. You can request a free sample here.

  13. Chua Lee Kiang says:

    hi,Bzmommy, i trying to use the baby Blisscard @ aouth west link but it don’t seem to bring me to the the link no longer in use?
    my baby is born in September 2017 , how to apply for the noel gift box?
    Thank you.
    Lee Kiang

    • BZMOMMY says:

      Hi Ai Kim, as mentioned in my post, I don’t give out the samples here. Please access the different links to request for samples. 🙂

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