Eva’s Complimentary Milk Powder

Yes, complimentary…means free…all from various milk powder companies.

Abbott was the first to send, and I must say they are very prompt in this.  I received a call from them when both girls were 5 months and they will introduce their products, as well as answer my questions patiently (like colour of the poops after switching milk powder etc).

They send a 400g Stage 2 Similac with a small bear.

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Next came Friso, I didn’t take any photos because it was just a tin of their Stage 2 powder.  However, they gave a 900g tin! The biggest tin of all!

Nestle sent a weaning bag (didn’t have this during Dawn’s time) and I must say that I was the happiest with this bag.  Look at the goodies and you will know why!


The goodies came in an insulated bag filled with Nestle products!


Love the oats with prunes because it helps Eva to shit with more ease… And yes, I love the star puffs too, can’t wait for Eva to have her tooth out and we can let her pinch the puff from the snack bowl!


Mamil sent the 400g Mamil Gold, a magnet and a discount voucher.



Thank you all for sending the milk powder and the goodies! Very much appreciated!

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