“And I will fill in the gap”

When I …

…. need a shoulder to lean, his shoulders are always ready;

…. nearly slipped, his hold is always strong and assuring;

…. forgot my stuff, his reminders are ever gentle and timely;

…. need advices, his thoughts are objective and gives me a perspective of things;

…. was having silent thoughts, he acknowledged my thoughts with a probe;

…. felt overwhelmed with the crowd, he made the path so much easier for me;

…. am walking in front, his gentle touch assured me that he is right behind me;

…. am so eager to share my thoughts, he simply listens to me patiently;

…. didn’t expect anything, he gave me a good surprise;

…. never thought that anyone will ever cross my path again, he came, stopped at my path, and walked with me on the same path.

I asked,

“If one day I stop being talkative, will we have nothing else to talk about?”

He replied,

“I will fill in the gap.”

Thanks dear, for filling every single gap. For standing in those gaps and bridges us together.

Happy Anniversary! =)


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